General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 34)

ala russe multiplication program ! hard
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int firstNumber = 0 , secondNumber = 0; int firstRemain = 0 , secondRemain = 0; int firstR...
[2 replies] Last: See post 6 in this thread (by naraku9333)
random number
Alright so i get the whole "rand() % 100 + 1;" deal but i have a slight issue with it. every time the program will return the same numbers in the same order. wh...
[4 replies] Last: I think you are seeding the generator at the same time like this: s... (by greenleaf800073)
Implementations of language featuers
Is there a reference (besides the ARM and hopefully consisting of WWW page(s) ) that outlines possible implementations (that is, generated object code) of C++ f...
[no replies]
by jehudi
wav mixer
hi everyone, I'm doing a mixer with wav files. I can play and even apply the reverse effect to them. the logarithm is like this: for( unsigned int i=0; i<...
[1 reply] : Also I don't know why the use of -i-1 after sampleCount!! This is wha... (by Peter87)
C++11 - Delegate class
Hi, folks! Since we have had these nice C++11 features laying around here some time I decided to use those great new features to implement a simple delegate ...
[7 replies] Last: Doesn't sound that comfortable. I'll try to go on with my delegate im... (by Disch)
valid function prototypes?
I was asked by a friend about validity of following function prototypes, void func1(int = 0, int*); void func2(int = 1, int& = 2); void func3(int*, int& =...
[16 replies] Last: @andrenvq57 As I said, you need const. void func2(int = 1, const int&... (by Peter87)
two classes derived from the same template class and operator =
class A { // is abstract }; class B : public A { // ... }; class C : public A { // ... }; template<class T> class Foo { public: Foo(...
[1 reply] : Define your operator = in the .cpp file. (by firedraco)
What would be the answer of this?
What is the value of the variable answer after the call to the function fun1 in the code below? int main() { int num1 = 1, num2 = 2, num3 = 3, num4 = 4, nu...
[2 replies] Last: Won't compile. (by tcs)
Can anyone help with Function Overriding?
[2 replies] Last: - Do you mean function "overloading" or am i missing something? (by thejman250)
Getting object name with constructor?
Hi, is it possible to get object name in the constructor? I would like to initialize an object of circle class without any arguments and put some pretty lines...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for help. (by janekkubek)
Arrow keys (turbo C++)
I so i got a easy question but i still don't get it, how do you use w,a,s,d or up, down, left, right. Plz answer this question simply with a link or video thx. ...
[10 replies] Last: Thx for your help (by closed account jyU4izwU)
Making the transition from console applications to windows applications
- I posted this in the Windows Programming section however, no one has replied and i'm not completely sure that the Windows section was the correct section to p...
[10 replies] Last: I would say that using a wrapper to the WinAPI is a good idea. Win32 ... (by ajh32)
[need Guide] C++ switch
Below is only short code just for testing and its havent complete yet coz still looking the syntax for it.. so here my situation.. From the code i using switch ...
[12 replies] Last: my latest code.. correct me if i;m mistake... i know its abit messy...... (by aquilina)
C++ into Excel - Syastro letter
I'm trying to use a project to be able so that a Planar 2R robot pen will be able to write a Syastro letter. However i'm having trouble linking my code, so that...
[2 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa's suggestion of creating a CSV file might be your best solut... (by ajh32)
Program HELP!
So here is the my situation. I have a program for a Wind Turbine that controls the Power in relation to the voltage. The MPPT Settings page in the HMI allows ...
[8 replies] Last: void CRC16( WORD W , BIT B ) { typedef struct crc16 { unsigned char... (by WindGuy)
what is meant by base case recursion and general case recursion
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
cant get my program to compille
hello its giving me this error or compile 1>project 4.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl seqSearch(double * const,int,int)" (?seq...
[2 replies] Last: thanks it was right there in my face , thank again (by ezaz12121)
Problem with strtold
Hi, I have a problem with converting a C++ string into a long double. In order to do this, I used the function strtold, but the result I get is only the integr...
[3 replies] Last: Your code snippet is fine, if compiled as #include <string> #include... (by Cubbi)
Variables not passing correctly
Well I have my program running and the Variables are not passing correctly and the return statements are not returning correctly. Here is the parts that are not...
[11 replies] Last: But I though that you should only return player, not zombie, and the f... (by greenleaf800073)
by TAZ757
sort() or qsort()
hi everyone, my question is what function sort or qsort is faster, and what complexy they are.
[5 replies] Last: In practice, they have the same, optimal, algorithmic complexity (n lo... (by Cubbi)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 51
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