General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 31)

translate c++ to c codes
Can anyone translate this code plssss #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); double amount,res; char ch; cout...
[2 replies] Last: And of course change your libraries to the correct c libraries. #in... (by emcege)
Pointers and Polymorphism - both
Hello, Look, this is kind of a dumb question to read and no i am not a dumb-ass. What exactly is the point of Pointers and Polymorphism? Please help i am stre...
[6 replies] Last: The classic Shape/area example :) (by mutexe)
final exam - please help whats the output/answer of this prob.
int i, k, ans=0; for(i=1, i<=4; i+=2) { for(k=1; k<=i; k++) { ans = 2*i*k; } } cout << ans; } }
[7 replies] Last: go through it in your head (if you UNDERSTAND IT) and you will know...... (by IWishIKnew)
by Smatik
DATA File Handling
I use Turbo C++. I m studying classic C++.I made the follwing program to calculate the occurance of the Word He in the File STORY.TXT. But I feel my Bold Part o...
[3 replies] Last: thanx everybody (by Smatik)
by xzki
Key Press Help?!
Hey there, I know this is C++ Allegro coding but I know the majority here are all very experienced coders and this is probably a simple fix so even if you have ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much, works exactly as I wanted it to now! (by xzki)
I/O file from my documents
I want a relative path for the files which are created from the console. How can I create files to My Documents on Windows, disregarding the name of the user? ...
[no replies]
Make a binary tree
I am really confused on how to make a just binary tree and not a binary search tree ...... HeLp Me PlEaSe..... Thanx in advance :) UPDATE : I do know the dif...
[1 reply] : A binary search tree is a binary tree. A binary tree doesn't have to b... (by Peter87)
using System.Drawing Namespace
private: System::Void btve_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { System::Drawing::Pen^ myPen =gcnew System::Drawing::Pen ...
[1 reply] : You appear to be using C++/CLI, which is not the same as C++. Try ask... (by Catfish3)
missing type specifier - int assumed
So, I got 2 different .cpp file(human.cpp and pet.cpp) (I can't create header file for class definition) Human object has pet as its private instance. In...
[4 replies] Last: In C/C++ there's syntactically no need for special specification/imple... (by tcs)
by mattyv
Thread Chaining & Latency
Hi All, I was working on a problem that was best solved with chaining threads together using a blocking thread-safe queue. Eg threads A and B pass data to ea...
[7 replies] Last: Here are some results from a freeBSD 9.0 run. Different specs But Look... (by mattyv)
OpenGL triangles invisible .obj loader
Hello, I am trying to make a 3D game with opengl, but I can't get the obj_loader to work. I found a obj loader, and edited it, this is the result: struc...
[1 reply] : Does nobody know how to fix this? (by kajgies)
Keylogger (Hear Me Out) (1,2)
I made a simple keystroke program on my windows machine, and I don't know how I can go about this on mac, because I called for Windows specific functions.... If...
[22 replies] Last: [quote=DTSCode]no, make it a char_t. it doesn't need to be int. we rnt... (by Catfish3)
by dahin
How can I create histogram from a set of values in OpenCV?
I have a text file which consist of several values. These values represent distance from origin to any point in the triangle. How can I create histogram from th...
[2 replies] Last: Here is the complete solution: int main(.......) { .... (by dahin)
by Kangus
which makes faster code? if's or switch?
I have a lot of things to test for I need to know which makes faster executing code. Compile time is unimportant. A bunch of ifs or a huge switch case.
[10 replies] Last: If choices are more like more than 2 go for switch-case . Its faster.... (by Smatik)
by yousbj
Linked lists and return value for + Operator overloading
The assignment is to make a linked list class that represents a polynomial. Each node represents one term. Then we have to overload the + operator in order to d...
[2 replies] Last: This topic is deriving me crazy. (by CroCo)
[2 replies] Last: you have to validate your numbers for each input. if (choice == 1) ... (by CroCo)
Divide by two, then add all the quotients
I need to write a program that accepts a number from the user, divides that number by two until it reaches one or cannot be divided evenly anymore, then adds al...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I never thought it would be that simple, I guess ... (by Sidney T)
/Mt and /CLR not compatible
Hello everyone, Please i need help, here is my problem: i Have been using EIGEN to solve systems of equation. the only way i was successful to compile my cod...
[1 reply] : Ok i just search in the web, but i found that i can not build a window... (by diamondx)
I need IDEAS
I need IDEAS on any project idea in C++(Any Topic). I can't think of any ideas thus need your help. Please help... I don't know what to do. :(
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much (by MultiSciTech)
by xsesx
Most Frequent Character Issues
Can't seem to get this to run properly. Can anyone see the issue(s)? Thanks #include <iostream> using namespace std; void countChar( char *, int); char...
[1 reply] : Your countChar function is a bit of a mess. The first loop and x are ... (by freddy92)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 51
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