General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 30)

by zeak
scanf problem....
cin.get = to???
[3 replies] Last: The exact equivalent would be scanf("%*1000[^\n]%*1[\n]%*c"); but th... (by Cubbi)
c++ program to read html code.
I have to write a c++ program to read html code and do bunch of stuff. One thing that i have to do is to count the no of attributes and sort them in descenting ...
[17 replies] Last: Thank you so very much Yes i knw this is not my strong side!! i am d... (by Livingdreams)
Can anyone give me a hand with this code!? any help would be greatly apreciated!!!
I cant get this code to run properly! The error code that comes up is saying that get_input is not intalized. but here is wat i need to accomplish---> /*******...
[7 replies] Last: As long as your function prototypes exactly match your function declar... (by ajh32)
opening file
can we open a file in c++ using a variable(either character or int)? please tell the syntax if that can be done. thanks.
[1 reply] : read this: (by Darkmaster)
To mark both smallest and largest element
Hi please help me for this code, asking to mark both the smallest and the largest element. I just got largest, didn't get smallest number. thanks, I appreciate...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { const int CAPACITY = 1000; doubl... (by Darkmaster)
I can't get opengl 2.1 vbo to draw
i have geforce 6200 , gnu/linux distro with real nvidia driver all i get is blank screen and haven't found a solution to fix it without going back to glBegin...
[1 reply] : I was trying to draw a flat triangle . oops! fixed now. (by DrakeMagi)
Tables in C++
I'm a beginner in C++ but I would like to know how to make tables in C++ that combine different types of data, such as, country codes, countries, and languages,...
[5 replies] Last: > I'm a beginner in C++ but I would like to know how to make tables in... (by JLBorges)
How to display any zeros in front?
How would I make the program still display zeros in front of a number? Like say for example: cout << "Enter any number"; cin >> number; cout << nu...
[1 reply] : You may want to look into some of the stream output manipulators such ... (by jlb)
Anyone smart enough?
Hi,I have been trying to learn C++ programming from the book called C++ Without Fear 2nd Edition.There is a challenging exercise which I couldn't solve.Is anyon...
[1 reply] : If you guys don't get it maybe a preview of the book might be helpful ... (by bestmaster99)
by zeak
What's this?
[7 replies] Last: look up a page on printf. idk what the conversion rate between setw an... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
What does "^" mean for variables?
Help? ... private: static String^ key; private: static String^ secret; ... String^ dataStr = GetInfo() + "&" + GetNonce(); array<Byte>^ data = ...
[2 replies] Last: ^ is to * as % is to & (I'm assuming managed C++ not WinRT) ^ = manag... (by binarybob350)
void pointer as a parameter
I want to have a function that has a pointer to an int/double/string so I thought I'd use a void pointer like so: int someFnc(int a, int b, const void *key){ ...
[1 reply] : Since the parameter is a void * you need to pass in the address of som... (by binarybob350)
Can You Tell Me What Is It For?
Ok, so I build this #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int sumSequensce(void) { int accumulator=0...
[1 reply] : your code cout << "Enter next sequence: " << endl; acc... (by greenleaf800073)
A few questions...: Under what circumstances do I need a destructor? What can I create from a class that would cause me to have to use a destructor (and w...
[4 replies] Last: May be you find answers onyour questions at (by tcs)
by unoo
Program from a .dat and histogram
Hi, I'm really new programming in C++ and I need your help. I have to make a program which has to read from a .dat file a column of 9999 values (like 6548.09897...
[1 reply] : 1. Line 9: you're dereferencing an uninitialzed pointer. This could c... (by tcs)
by colbra
Loop causes "not responding"
hey Guys got a loop here that make the program go into a not responding state bool SetTime(const int hour,const int min,HWND sec) { do { time_t s=time(...
[no replies]
Problem in Tree, help!!
Hello friends, I am trying to fill one tree of three nodes at most, I have one function to add nodes to the tree: void SkillTree :: AddSkill (char * name, c...
[no replies]
c++ triangle in a nested while loop, simple ways, using counters
Hi, I am a beginner at coding and I recently received a question from my teacher, to make triangles using c++, in nested while loops. The triangles were: * *...
[5 replies] Last: sorry for the mistake, thanks again :) (by closed account 41U4izwU)
Can anyone help me figure out how to write this program?
I am trying to make a program that will calculate gpa using a transcript from an input file. The transcript includes the title of the subject, the letter grade,...
[3 replies] Last: I dont have a compiler handy. But based on (by emcege)
by sis007
Link list Iterator.
Hi, I started writing a program that takes a name and put it in a list (created in the program) by alphabetical order. I almost finish it. But I can't figure...
[no replies]
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 51
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