General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 29)

Variable is Being used without initialized
help me on this code .. it said my width1 is being used wihtout being initialized.. what does it mean? #include<iostream> using namespace std; double Ar...
[2 replies] Last: User inputs height, user inputs width... do you really need any more v... (by samwillc)
how to learn programming fast for scoring marks?
I know this is the wrong question, because programming requires effort. The thing is, I'm having some problems in my university course- Computer programming- I ...
[2 replies] Last: yes I have missed many classes... (by Mustehssun)
Help With Adding Reserved Numbers Together
Hello everyone, been snooping these forums all through college and have found a lot of advice so I would first like to thank you for that. Now though I do have ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you both Thumper for the great advice, and JLBorges for the func... (by Pryious)
Why does the language not admit this syntax?
If I have an instance of a class C, named foo: C foo; And I want the address of a member function void SetValue(int); Why doesn't C++ consider this...
[3 replies] Last: I guess I need to find where one can suggest a change to the standard... (by Cubbi)
generate random numbers
srand (time(NULL)); for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { points .x=(rand()%(32767-(-32767)))+(-32767); points .y=(rand()%(32767-(-32767)))+(-32767); cout<<"x="<<points...
[4 replies] Last: Hi peter87, i didnt really understand what ur trying to say, if you co... (by ami1234)
very very large integer to double
I've almost completed making a class named 'luint' to hold very large unsigned integers. It contains a data member 'std::vector<unsigned> a'. All features seem ...
[5 replies] Last: I thought that storing it as a string would be less efficient. For eg... (by eklavya sharma 2)
by zeak
"How can I make it into 8x8 dimension." HELP ME KNIGHT'S TOUR.
Should I use Vector Void, Or Bool??? Help.
[1 reply] : Keep it simple store your data in a simple struct or class (it's up to... (by ajh32)
How to make a game with c++ (1,2)
I will start off with my experience: I have been taking c++ classes for 2 years at my local community college and have taken -introduction to software devel...
[22 replies] Last: DeXecipher did make some good points about designing your own game eng... (by cnoeval)
Reading values from templates
After asking the user to input 2 values i expect my program to read them and then output whether they are equal, bigger or smaller than one another. However i a...
[1 reply] : The code shouldn't even compile. Line 18 should be Number() . Li... (by Peter87)
Whats a good tool for making custom resources
Question is in the subject, I want to make custom images for my applications what are some good tools for making them?
[1 reply] : Your question is not clear at all. Mostly depends of what kind of usag... (by Nobun)
Need help with a CS 1 assignment please!
Im trying to create a program that converts roman numerals to its arabic equivalent. This is what I have so far but im blanking out, can someone help me finish ...
[no replies]
Problem in a Tree!
Hello friends, here I put everything in the main, easy to compile, I am implementing one exercise that requires one tree, this tree should only have 3 nodes, th...
[no replies]
Vector find and erase struct
Hello, i have a struct vector and a struct variable (without identifier). I want to delete this struct variable from my struct vector. This would be a exampl...
[12 replies] Last: That seems a little disingenuous to me. It is external to the struct ... (by cire)
i need need print out massive : *|*|*| *|*|*| *|*|*| how to get '*'? i have : int main (){ int i,j; int mas ; for (i = 1; i <=3; i++ ){ for ...
[2 replies] Last: How about this: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namesp... (by ajh32)
calling functions from templates
Having issues calling my arguements from my templates, when i declare x and n in the main it comes up with errors Anyone have a resultion to this issue? c...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry heres my edited code, i've commented the errors #include <iost... (by barnsta)
by KT Adi
C Wrapper around C++ with an Interface-Class
Hey Folks, I need to create a C Wrapper around a C++_Class and in between needs to be an Interface-Class. The Interface-Class is needed, cause there are more...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm looks nice, although I tried to only use this example, I didn't ma... (by KT Adi)
return statement
what is the difference between return; or return NULL;
[2 replies] Last: The first one is handy for returning from a void function early, but I... (by TheIdeasMan)
by h4344
Best library for IRC clients?
Im looking to make a simple console based IRC client. Does anyone know what the best library to use for this project would be?
[1 reply] : One of the answers google gave me: (by tath)
by RD7
find shortest queue, stop the loop and start after 5 enqueues.
hello all i have problem, in the loop of queues of a vector,first i need find the shortest queue. when i found the shortest queue it should enqueue 5 times( wit...
[18 replies] Last: @coder777 and @yelnatz thank you very much for your interaction. (by RD7)
How to pass a pointer to an array by reference?
I have a struct which has an array inside of it: struct someStruct{ int structArray ; } Now when I want to access that array, I have the following: ...
[2 replies] Last: The type of object you want to pass into the function is an array of i... (by MikeyBoy)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 51
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