General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 27)

autocomplete from dictionary file
Hey guys and girls, its me (creativemfs). Anyway, I am working on a project and have compiled a dictionary text file of english language words. I want to us...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys, and you were right. It is very simple. I know this ve... (by Michaela Elise)
Can anyone help me!!!???
The intrustions for this program are bellow...I am not sure wat code to enter so that i can convert my inputed values for ft., inches, meters, cm......can anyon...
[1 reply] : What do u want ? do u want the code to convert feet to invhes , etc...... (by Dhayalan B)
Linked List search needs a fix.
My program works almost 100% well, except for the search. Every time you search a node to know its position, it keeps printing -1 instead of 0, 1, 2 and so on. ...
[1 reply] : Never mind, I fixed it. :) (by BinaryGeek)
Copy Constructor Question
See the highlighted portion (in yellow) the definition of copyConstructor at Why haven't we...
[1 reply] : Special rule. A class can access the private members of its own object... (by Catfish3)
Preprocessor String Cryption
Hello, i like to define strings which get saved xored afterward. #define PreXOR(str, key) { XOR::PreXOREncode(str, key) } #define ServerAccountname PreXOR("Ac...
[1 reply] : Learn about constexpr and templates. Should warn you though: it is a... (by MiiNiPaa)
Command line paramters
Hi, I'm trying to parse, or tokenize strings that follow the program name/command when used command line. I want to use the command followed by a sentence with ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <numeric> #include <ve... (by JLBorges)
Days Out program
Hey guys, so I really suck at programming and need a lot of help. I'm writing a program and could really use your feedback. Here are the directions: Write a ...
[no replies]
a program
You go to a bank, you enter your card in the ATM machine, you enter your PIN and then you select to withdraw a certain amount of money. Write a program that wi...
[1 reply] : The logic is already outlined for you. Start by asking the user to en... (by Disch)
Getting input from txt file with tabs in it
Hi guys this is my first time posting something so if you need anything else let me know. Currently I'm trying to write a program that searches a file named "Ba...
[7 replies] Last: once again thank you for all your help. I managed to get it working :) (by Serratus)
How to use rapid xml?
I need to use an xml parser so I can get a map a created into my game. But I have no idea what to do. I've included the things it says on the manual, but no oth...
[no replies]
Pass 2D array by reference?
How do you pass 2D arrays by reference??
[2 replies] Last: You could achieve your objective by passing through as a pointer. Rem... (by ajh32)
Class friend, passing private objects
Hello! im trying to make some friend class but im having some problems, here is my situation. I've 3 files "main.cpp" "classA.h" "classB.h", this is about s...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man, but i still cant do this :( (by frankowzki)
Array help
Hey guys, I feel like I'm missing a simple concept. How do I use Struct * bam in the add function? Do I really have to pass it through as an argumen...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not sure I follow. Like this: void add(Finish k) { ... (by Arbondawn)
Another Memory Access Exception!
Ok, so this time I'm working with a vector since cire pointed out that my lernin' there was wrong! I'm working on the constant problem over in http://www.cplus...
[4 replies] Last: not sure why it's a pointer, and now that you point it out, I don't t... (by Peter87)
Memory Access Violation
Hello Everyone! I've started programing back in high school, but I'm just getting back to it again for college. I'm working on a personal project to get me ...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch everyone. The help has been fantastic! I'm very impre... (by Pherion)
Help how to trap letters in Enter your choice,How many items do you want to avail,Cash,Change. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int produc...
[7 replies] Last: the How many items do you want to avail,Cash,Change. how to trap the ... (by ajh32)
Category and Constant Storage
Ok, next problem! I have a class that I'm going to use to store a category. Right now there are seven options, but there is the potential for a whole lot mo...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks MikeyBoy! I like this one a lot too. It looks like I'm going ... (by Pherion)
issue creating a type in "meta-like" programming
Hello all, I've been trying to play around with structs, templates, typedefs, and all that other fun stuff that ties into the so called metaprogramming form ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Cubbi. I've actually already been all over the boost.Units solu... (by pholotic)
Inheritance problem
Hi, I am trying to create a simple class that is derived from a templated base class but I keep on getting an error that states "error: connection was not de...
[3 replies] Last: You've included Subscriber.h header but class Subscriber is in namesp... (by TTT)
C++ Pointer Questions
Hi! First of all, this is my first thread here. Right now, I'm in the process of learning C++. Everything was going smoothly until I hit 'pointers'. Now,...
[10 replies] Last: I thank(and salute) you all for your replies! :) (by syndrome)
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