General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 24)

Encrypting contents from file and saving to another file
Hello everyone, Right now I'm working on an assignment where I need to take the data from on file encrypt it by adding 5 to each byte and then save it to a use...
[1 reply] : I ran this code on my compiler and it ran fine. I'm thinking you input... (by Yanson)
by LB
Callbacks with PIMPL
Forgive my quick test code writing skills:$24 It seems that the interface method wins for O1 and the function pointer metho...
[7 replies] Last: I'm not testing which callback method is faster, I already know that. ... (by LB)
//I am two months old C++ student and I need a help pls. keep getting this error message //"error-expected-declaration-specifier" //PLESAE CAN SOMEONE TAKE A...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much but I am just a beginner so need your help as I ha... (by Godwin5174)
OpenGL, Unusual Idea
I have had a hard time finding a way to make a Two-Dimensional game that fits all screen sizes and thought of this: Gl has a resize command... So Can I rend...
[1 reply] : Ummm Bump??? (by Pickle Gunner)
by dcman
Hello, I am attempting to output with fprintf within C++ in Xcode for the purposes of Physics work. Previously I have used Turbo C++ on a PC and had no issues...
[no replies]
Help Passing Struct Arrays to a function by value, not by reference.
Hello, Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I am working on incorporating a function in to an already existing piece of code, I have incorporated the func...
[12 replies] Last: Sorry for late reply, yes that is perfect, really appreciate the help.... (by nukem266)
by jadch
how to use modulus
if i have 4 intergers for example : 1378 2496 3587 5389 how can i use the modulus operator to disect them so i can get the first number of each integer ...
[16 replies] Last: ok thank you for the help i will figure out how to do it (by jadch)
Partial tokenization from a certain position in C/C++
Greetings to all of you fellow coders. I have been doing some reads through all of the documentations but couldn't find anything that suits this... I have a...
[5 replies] Last: In the end I did this by doing this, more simpler: char *example; ... (by codebitty)
Please Help newb writing check writer
I have been writing this program for two weeks and have decided I'm terrible at programming. This assignment is way over due ,but I really want to finish it any...
[3 replies] Last: Alright my main issue is that when I enter amount in the hundreds and ... (by aileen71)
Graphics Libs
I want to stop writing text adventures and start making a graphical RPG. Nothing advanced... kind of like The Legend of Zelda for the NES or Pitfall! for the At...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Disch! I will defenently look into SFML. (by DOSMaster)
no match for 'operator=='
I watched WarGames and decided to make a WarGames WOPR program. I stumbled into a roadblock... Dev-C++ gives a "no match for 'operator==' " error when I compil...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Machtl! How stupid of me to type string instead of char! Now I ... (by DOSMaster)
Calculating the average using two different functions.
I need to implement a C++ program that asks the user for four floating-point numbers. The program should then calculate the average using two different function...
[no replies]
Binary to Decimal Converter
#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { int N=0, counter=0, counter1=0,counter2=0, temp=0, temp1=0,dec=0,result=0, moder=0;...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() ... (by Ahmad1797)
by kadaj
problem in operators...
hi:) this is my code about matrixes before writing the operator ^ it worked correctly but now not! i don't know where is the problem... #include <iostrea...
[2 replies] Last: i removed them but no diffrence... (by kadaj)
Average of 4 floating-point numbers.
I need to implement a C++ program that asks the user for four floating-point numbers. The program should then calculate the average using two different functi...
[3 replies] Last: Ok I was able to do the float. Can you help me with the other function... (by adamsjh)
C++ code for simulation
let MC be the master clock and let R indicate whether the repairman is busy or idle. We assume that at time zero all three machines are operational and that CL...
[no replies]
by zeak
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void BoardI(int **board, int X, int Y); void BoardD(int **board, int X, int Y); bool KT(int **board, int Coor1, int Coor2, ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=Machtl]Please use to format your code. ... (by S G H)
C++11 - Problem with pimpl-idiom?
Hi, folks! I guess I have ran into problem with pimpl-idiom, since I can't figure out what else could be possibly wrong. My code currently has problems with u...
[1 reply] : And yes, it goes on. Window.cpp /// ---------------------------- ///... (by Helixirr)
by bling
Debugger shows undefined value
unsigned long totSize; unsigned int partSize,lastPartSize; unsigned short nbRessources; const char* folder = "TYPE"; getSizesRessourc...
[no replies]
network simulation C++ code for 3 machines
let MC be the master clock and let R indicate whether the repairman is busy or idle. We assume that at time zero all three machines are operational and that CL...
[no replies]
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 51
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