General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 22)

Arrays help
i need help to Write a program that is able to save a list of items such as books, CDs, or DVDs and the items that are saved must have attributes associated wit...
[2 replies] Last: - Ideally, i would use an array of classes here unless you want to att... (by thejman250)
How do I make basic menus in C++? Not the " tart uit" stuff. I mean like a line of text that is always at the top that tells the time and move number. It has t...
[2 replies] Last: @DOSmaster Here is a small Menu program, to get you started. After yo... (by whitenite1)
Collecting input to filter an output
Hello! I am not very good with programming and have about 16 hours left to finish a uni project I have been assigned... For this I am making a program tha...
[1 reply] : Can't you just directly cin to a std::string? If there will be spaces ... (by LB)
Need help with part of this problem.
Ill give the problem Im working on before I ask what part of it I need help with. Effective January 1st of each year, Gabriela receives a 5% raise on her pre...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const dou... (by athrun22)
This is a code for a tic tac toe game, anyone have any ideas for ways to improve the AI to make the game more challenging for players? // Tic-Tac-Toe // Pl...
[3 replies] Last: your computerMove() is not efficient. Comp should make decision base o... (by tntxtnt)
Problem With Finding A Constructor
I'm making a small game engine and have a project in Code::Blocks for it, and a project to test it out. The thing is that my test program won't find a construct...
[7 replies] Last: I figured it out. I was accidentally setting the bpp to the height of ... (by Dante12129)
Needing Serious Help!
Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of calories and fat grams in a food item. The program should display the percentage of the calories that ...
[4 replies] Last: The tutorial on this site is good (with occasional help from google) u... (by agnophilo)
ostream and ofstream conversions
Hi all, This is probably a simple issue but I can't seem to find an answer or get it to work. My code has an ostream object that is accumulated by vario...
[4 replies] Last: Wow thanks Cubbi, that really lays it all out for me, I get what's goi... (by mudd1038)
by rik007
[Question]How to aply MVP on WPF
Good afternoon! I'm a student of UTAD in portugal studying information technology and communication and I would like to ask how to aply the model Model-View-Pre...
[no replies]
Asymmetric data structure
Hi, I am trying to create an structure of data with following elements: struct stest { std::vector<int> na; std::vector<double> nb; std::vector<doub...
[2 replies] Last: I meant when I push_back data_test , only va, vb, vc, vd will be im... (by dekeenfrance)
typedef signed char int8_t
Hello all. I ‘ve been trying to compile FreeCad and came across the following error: Error 422 error C2371: 'int8_t' : redefinition; differ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. What do you mean by the exact error? I thought that I alr... (by Jair Santos)
runtime error
When I run this for some reason i get: terminate call after throwing an instance of 'std:: length_error' what(): basic_string::resize This application ahs req...
[1 reply] : You're doing all that just to remove the last character from address.c... (by kbw)
Please HELP! Desperate Student
Hello Everyone. I have this take home exam and I am stuck on one of the questions. I'm super desperate, please help. I'm a beginner at C++. This exam is due on ...
[6 replies] Last: Girls/ladies are too much underrepresented in software engineering :... (by closed account D4S8vCM9)
cursed cursor....
Hello guys, My first post here as i have only just joined your esteemed forum. So congrats for being so helpful to everyone. I have read many posts which have b...
[4 replies] Last: I think I'm gonna try something completely different. I don't like it ... (by Dan2013)
g++ 4.2: internal compiler error: in make_thunk, at cp/method.c:129
Hi, does anybody experienced the same bug with g++ 4.2: internal compiler error: in make_thunk, at cp/method.c:129 I think it is not neccessary to inclu...
[5 replies] Last: With help of some people from stackoverflow ( (by closed account D4S8vCM9)
I have found this code and want to decompose it. I know what it does(Detect color/monochrome monitor) but i need to understand it /* Video card mono/c...
[1 reply] : The volatile keyword indicates that an object so qualified is located ... (by Cubbi)
Hi, there. I'm writing a program that calculates the mode, mean and median of an array of integers. I've done the mean and median but i can't figure out mode. ...
[5 replies] Last: Please mark this thread as 'solved' (so that a green tick mark appears... (by eklavya sharma 2)
IO issue!
On line cout << hydraTxt << "-----" << endl; for some reason it outputs the last entry twice and I cannot see why void readIn(HydraRecord hr , int length){ ...
[no replies]
Hello. I have this code that has been killing me. Any and all help is appreciated. Its a cipher and for some reason it won't work. It opens and asks for use...
[no replies]
writing a function that subtracts.
I have to write a function Subtracts val from each character in the array // If the array is: abcdefghi and value = 5, // then result is: 5 ascii characters s...
[3 replies] Last: ahahahahhahah nice one :D (by cod3x)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 51
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