General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 21)

by ToniAz
strtok example on
Hello everyone! In regards to the strtok() function example at /* strtok example */ #includ...
[3 replies] Last: That is why I asked for your code, how did you declare, allocate and i... (by jlb)
Problem in the C++ tutorial. (1,2)
Is it just me or right around the Arrays page when they start describing multidimensional arrays does the tutorial stop being explicit? jimmy =(n+1)*(m+1) Th...
[24 replies] Last: Isn't the tutorial misleading when it says they both output the data ... (by doug4)
Getting a Weird error: Unhandled Exception Access vilation writing location
Hey guys. I am trying to write a program that takes the input from a user in the form of MM/DD/YYYY and figures out a date. I am building off a program I alre...
[10 replies] Last: adding 2 char variables or constants returns a new char whose ASCII va... (by eklavya sharma 2)
Help: Code doesn't work the way I want it to
Hi. I have a problem with my coding but I don't know why. When I debug the program, it keeps showing warning C4700, and when I typed in a letter for switch, it ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you guys. My program works. :) (by Angry Food)
Help please :)
i have a code about a school of 5 classes, each class has 10 students : the code struct student { char name ; float grade; } ; student *...
[no replies]
Why _type (underscore before identifier and variable) (1,2)
Why do programmers use underscores to name variables and data types? It grinds my gears a bit. I keep seeing abuse of typedef. It makes it suck to code using th...
[24 replies] Last: Although I believe the language of the standard here is clear an unamb... (by Cubbi)
Help me implementing ksmall as a function
Implement ksmall as a C++ function. Use the first item of the array as the pivot. This is what I have so far, but everytime I compile it crashes :( #includ...
[4 replies] Last: i'm sorry it is still not clear to me what the program is supposed to ... (by abhishekm71)
returns the address of a dynamic matrix.
Hello everybody .... i have this Question and i solve it ... but i don't know how can i returns the address of the matrix. the Question : Complete th...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much :) :) i have now understood it :) (by Salam rabaya)
102 error !
Hello .... i have a code .. when I compile it ... it give me 102 error :O :O :O that's it : #include<iostream.h> void main(){ Struct student{ ch...
[2 replies] Last: ahaaaaaaaaaaa.... Thanks alot :) :) (by Salam rabaya)
by jazon
SDL + C++ on visual studio, ERROR LNK1120
hello, i am new to SDL, i have it installed properly, or i think so, i am on visual studio 2012 and have been trying to make a simple game,but i have been getti...
[2 replies] Last: Line 4 should be int main (int argc, char *argv ) { . http://www.lib... (by Peter87)
Deleting a character recursively?
Help, I'm having trouble deleting a character inputted by the user recursively.. 1- Should I be doing it this way where it returns the character one by one ...
[5 replies] Last: I worked on this for about another 2 hours and got it to work.. My cod... (by jjroyale)
by RD7
return a struct pointer from a void function() and print
i need to return a struct pointer dynamically allocated inside a function call void function() which is done using 'out parameters' in following code struct my...
[3 replies] Last: @Peter87 i have another paradigm where i need to print a pointer of ty... (by RD7)
by RD7
print a struct pointer and a deferenced struct member
hello, i am new to programming i have a paradigm where i need to print a pointer of type struct which gets the value dynamically in each iteration and also prin...
[1 reply] : Is my question clear/understandable? (by RD7)
C++ homework Due 3-19-2012 Tues. Morning
Hello to all the C++ experts I am taking a beginner C++ class using Quincy. I will be forever gracious if anybody can answer these for me this is an important h...
[14 replies] Last: ...Bored, too bored. (by greenleaf800073)
Error in compiling program
Hello, i'm new in c+.. I have to do a project in my college so please help me in correcting the problem... #include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> #inc...
[2 replies] Last: looks like a horrible mix of C and C++. i'd use std::string. Also g... (by mutexe)
Help: Error LNK2019
Hi. I'm new to C++ and I receive error LNK2019. I don't know whats the problem is (I decided to test my code halfway through the coding process). #include <...
[5 replies] Last: You've written a class called BOOK. You've defined some methods in th... (by MikeyBoy)
Log in system error
I cant seem to be able to make a new user and i cant seem to log in it just says invalid login all help would be appreciated. #include<iostream> #include<c...
[14 replies] Last: Ive spoke to teacher today an has said he wants the text file data dis... (by Dan Goodridge)
Howto retrieve the corresponding cpp-file of given header-file
Hey everybody, I am rather new to C++ and i just registered for this forum because i need help with an issue that at first sight seems to be very specific, but...
[3 replies] Last: As you intend to break it, make a local installation. http://opencv.wi... (by ne555)
Test Editor
Please guys, i need help. I want to program a simple test editor that looks like that in most windows operating systems . C:\edit Please i need advice on...
[no replies]
Help with recursion for search function.
I have a linkedList search function given and I am having a little trouble getting it to work. I've made a few attempts with no success. Any help would be appre...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the advice MiiNiPaa, I am able to get it to work now. (by monstur)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 51
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