General C++ Programming - March 2013 (Page 15)

by genxi
How to change input file name?
Hi there, I am new to programming, as well as to c++. I have encountered a problem while working on a programming assignment. For this particular assignment, I ...
[1 reply] : Thank-you for anyone who were looking into my issue. I think I have fi... (by genxi)
Need a Way to Find/Read a Line From a .txt File
I plan to have my program to get the user's first name, middle initial, last name, age, and other varied things later on. Then once they have been inputted, sav...
[no replies]
Delite New
When I make an array of new objects and write delite arraySelector, will that delite all of the array elements or just the first one?
[9 replies] Last: if array of alocated memory locations is delited by delete p; what w... (by cire)
by Sl1ck
Linker Error in C++ code, does anyone know why I'm getting this?
This is the error I keep getting ... [Linker error] C:\Users\family\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCnWKZb.o:BlackHawksRoster.cpp:(.text+0x15f): undefined reference ...
[5 replies] Last: I guess I don't need to set the size of the array since I have alread... (by cire)
C++ need help for decryption
Hello I have a problem that I couldnt find yet.Question is Write a program to implement Caesar ciphering and Substitution ciphering together. When a plain text ...
[5 replies] Last: You shoudl NEVER use goto. That's a bad habit. Work with loops/funct... (by IWishIKnew)
Calling Fortran from C++- discussion with Cubbi
I have a FORTRAN code through which I ahve generated a number of dialog boxes. Few days ago,I had been in a discussion with Cubbi, wherein I could call a FOR...
[no replies]
Euclid's Output
Hey all, This is my first post to this site, although I use it all the time - great job! I'm writing a euclid's program and I finally got it to work, but ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks, sorry i've spent (wasted) countless hours on this. i know it s... (by closed account E098vCM9)
Hi If you have several pairs of squares and to each side of the square must be numeric. Together how that number is the same side of the face. Please help me ...
[1 reply] : Please help me Do you have some sort of question? (by cire)
how we can execute this program by removing error?
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> class television { public: int model; int price,tv; int size; television() { model...
[2 replies] Last: Read this please (by Yanson)
to_string() invalid for g++ 4.7.2
Hi, according to , I already put -std=c++11 when compiling mingw g++ 4.7.2. but compiler still warns me test2.c...
[2 replies] Last: See A work around: ... (by JLBorges)
Function Parameters
Is it better to have pointers to objects outside of the function, so that the other function can use them, or is it better to send addreses of those objects as ...
[4 replies] Last: I don't directly acces the variables, sfml dosen't allow that because ... (by zoran404)
the problem of using class to define a fraction caculator
hey guys, I got a little problem when running the following code, it is about fraction computation. I dont know why it can't output the result I needed, could a...
[1 reply] : You have two problems. The first one, your "choice" variable needs to ... (by toomanystars)
Help on C++ homework
I need to write a program to use getline in order to read from a text file and output the first and last name, whether their a republican or democrat, and what ...
[8 replies] Last: Open a file with a unique name for output, then close it. This will c... (by cire)
Operator overloading: Why this error.
Remove the error please. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class b{ int x; friend void setX(int); friend int getX(); public: friend void s...
[1 reply] : //This function serves for both classes, even it's not a member funct... (by cire)
by shoe55
Get process/loaded modules base?
I want to get the address at the beginning of the process my dll is loaded into, and the length of it, including ALL the loaded modules. I.E: - Process.exe...
[no replies]
Largest Prime Factors
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? There are some answers online, but I want to solve it myself. Can somebody please help me out? ...
[1 reply] : You might begin by actually using the value fed to is_prime (and why... (by cire)
Need a couple quick questions answered please
1.)I'm trying to write code to swap element and element in an array of floats called ARR. I need to declare a simple variable called temp for this question,...
[3 replies] Last: (by Rehan FASTian)
Student Line UP C++
im stuck on the very last part to put names in order. i was told to use min and max as variables and put names in order from least to greatest. no sorting invol...
[no replies]
by Alex91
program outputs extra lines of garbage
The program works, other than if I place the cursor below the last line in my merch file, the program outputs a line of garbage. The only solution I could find...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. (by Alex91)
getting stuck in a loop
I am trying to write a crude-ish t9 type of autocomplete program. The way it works so far is it populates dict with like 100000 words, input is meant to take 3...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry, I figured it out. I had one too many for loops. Bleh, that is ... (by Michaela Elise)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 51
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