[4 replies] Last: @lehti: the poor formatting of the post got you. The semicolon is wher... (by keskiverto)
by stav
Filestreams and best practice when reading
[3 replies] Last: Look at this and maybe... (by closed account D2y5SL3A)
by jaituk
[6 replies] Last: fill_n (&cifrada, (int of the size of cifrada), '\0'); I think. check ... (by closed account D2y5SL3A)
by Amy313
Help please!!!
[3 replies] Last: well, as the error said, the class Student has no member named cName, ... (by Flaze07)
by tungnguyen01
How to execute a apk file on android phone with C/C++ code?
[5 replies] Last: what he meant is e.g he has a few apk in a folder : "gta.apk" "minecra... (by Flaze07)
by aatwo
Help with function parameter syntax
[2 replies] Last: Ah stupid me, of course it is. Thanks for the reply. It's been so long... (by aatwo)
by karmaakabane
competitive finding inversion count
[4 replies] Last: I may have misinterpreted what you were saying somewhere along the lin... (by karmaakabane)
by YikUTM
Detect image validity with C++?
[6 replies] Last: Is machine learning even relevant for this? It's not like you have a c... (by helios)
by colt
Visual artifacts with Pthread and multithreading ray-tracing
[no replies]
by cooldramen
Storing very large integers
[2 replies] Last: You only mention "storing" them. If that's all you need to do, then ju... (by tpb)
by Sam Jain
unable to analyse a line of code in c++
[1 reply] : Oh, wait, maybe you are an idiot. Why would you post this question twi... (by tpb)
by nikita00
Competitive progrsmming
[6 replies] Last: Lets try: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> in... (by keskiverto)
by stalha97
Using Single text file vs Many text files to store data
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your answers. I dont know much about using SQL. What i am m... (by stalha97)
by barnack
non-const default char* argument
[2 replies] Last: You cannot legally do char* str = "string literal"; in C++. To give... (by Ganado)
by YikUTM
Comparing images with opencv c++
[2 replies] Last: in windows I know for sure that a single arg can be dropped onto the p... (by jonnin)
by Jacobahmed
Solving problem .
[11 replies] Last: Given input: Main 2000 1000 3000 2000 2000 Clay 3000 5000 4000 5000 4... (by keskiverto)
by zolo
STL smart pointers
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys, very comprehensive intro to unique pointers! I am using ... (by zolo)
by bderham
Basic Input/Output Problem
[1 reply] : Double post: (by Thomas1965)
by kindgnice
How To Properly Compile Program Made In QT Creator 4.8 To Visual Studio C++ 2017?
[3 replies] Last: You should really learn to use google. This is for qt 5.9, but nothin... (by poteto)
by crosswinds
Retrieve single value from XML file
[5 replies] Last: Hello! Thank you guys for all your help After some tought, and for f... (by crosswinds)