General C++ Programming - June 2015 (Page 16)

by AmitH
Blocking editing program's files
Hi, I have a software which creates and edits some text files and binary files. Is there any option to avoid the user from editing those files directly? I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. About the encryption and the checksum, I've never used it wit... (by AmitH)
by Winsu
resolve which one is the biggest string
I dint know that I normal comparation with string, what It does is get the first letter of both string compared and the one is before in the alphabet is the big...
[7 replies] Last: Or you can ask for an optional parameter, a comparison class. class c... (by ne555)
accepting input of integers in one line?
need help please idk how to accept 5 numbers in one line, and assign them to a variable. can you explain please? //ask student for 5 test grades they should ...
[7 replies] Last: You don't need a vector at all. If you are dealing with arrays than ... (by shamieh)
Need help on Cyanogenmod 12.1
Hi, This ROM is for Lenovo K3 (K30-T), yet it has few bugs: camera, FM radio, and SIM card are not working. I am not the official porter of this ROM. However...
[3 replies] Last: Anyone please? (by nomanrasheed)
June 2015 Pages: 1... 141516
  Archived months: [may2015] [jul2015]

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