gamma of complex argument |
[1 reply] : GNU scientific library (by ats15)
by Alqhtani
Simulator written in C++
[no replies]
extracting string from text file |
[7 replies] Last: @Chervil Thanks for your help. I got the program to work. Very much ap... (by closed account L092y60M)
by shaeri
C++11 variadic template templates
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for your answer! Your code allows any typenames for Netw... (by shaeri)
by superfury
How to emulate an old x86 graphics card?
[no replies]
Implementing treesort |
[6 replies] Last: The sorted stuff is in sorter . The place you want to put it is data... (by Duthomhas)
by nickmiller24
How does this work?
[1 reply] : WINAPI is probably a #define in a header file. See what that is and yo... (by dhayden)
by jfc dev
Boost binding question
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you are right! I removed "shared_ptr<DeviceInfo>::value_type" a... (by jfc dev)
by nemecfc
Type Conversion and Advice
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much, rmxhaha and AbstractionAnon, for your advices! Wi... (by nemecfc)
by jonanderdiez
Help - Error printing the solution
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Chervil, really, I've solve the problem and learn to use strncp... (by jonanderdiez)
by BasV
Slow code hinting when using Boost headers
[7 replies] Last: Doing just that! (by BasV)
by dkaip
Curious behavior.
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by dkaip)
by p33n kenan
random number generator between 0 and 100
[16 replies] Last: it was for some reason without the loop. just like i2 was before (by p33n kenan)
by swaggadragon
Using Loops or IF?
[2 replies] Last: I agree with the wildblue as you need to reuse the switch statement if... (by marcusrzheng)
by LunarB
Memory Scanner Only Sort of Works?
[2 replies] Last: so there might be a better way to do this, however, if this is just fo... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by chamburger
winsock, wininet, libcurl
[8 replies] Last: If you want to learn network programming, I'd recommend sockets. WinS... (by chamburger)
by ycai77
Why it is not needed to decorate a “const char *” with “extern” when sharing it cross multiple files
[6 replies] Last: const char *ptr = "hello" or char const *ptr = "hello" defines mu... (by MiiNiPaa)
by cavendert
If Statements
[7 replies] Last: == is a relational operator that compares its operands. The result ... (by keskiverto)
by jingojam
Using Z to exit
[6 replies] Last: Also note that if the string doesn't contain a valid integer, atoi() w... (by Chervil)
by pepsicola
Return Reference for derived function
[8 replies] Last: I stand corrected. (by helios)