General C++ Programming - June 2014 (Page 13)

Polymorphism + Files
What is the best / most efficient way to load polymorphic data from a file? I thought you could have an enumeration and for each item to load from a file you c...
[4 replies] Last: Okay thank you all for your help! (by Irrelevant Elephant)
Why do we use CMAKE for libraries?
Hello all. Looking to understand something from the c++ community. I have been told to use CMake to build or compile a library. Why do we need to build li...
[9 replies] Last: Ah I see now. So if there is no binary there than we have to compile ... (by chamburger)
So I have a linked list: class List{ public: List(); List(const List&p); I have more methods ------------------------ private: struct Node{ ...
[5 replies] Last: What is ant on line 9? (by coder777)
2 dimensional Arrays
the file looks like this 1h 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.4 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 1as 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.4 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 1df 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.5 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 1d 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.5 -0.1...
[1 reply] : int number = 0; inFile >> name ; That is a good start. You have now ... (by keskiverto)
Increase char from a to b (or c to d)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { char character = 'a'; char * pointera; char * pointerb; pointera = &character; ...
[8 replies] Last: thanks all :) (by jsmith613)
Improving Binary to Grey code converter?
Hi! I wrote a program that converts Binary code to Grey code. It works, but I feel like it's highly inefficient and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestion...
[1 reply] : It works, but I feel like it's highly inefficient It may appear to w... (by cire)
Calling C++ from HTML page
I would like to be able to call c++ library from HTML page. So on HTML page I have area for some possible input (url, name, email, etc) and that info is passed...
[2 replies] Last: Good info. I am fairly new to C++ and I am trying to avoid PHP, Pytho... (by rkstengel)
Problems with streaming file from folder & more
Hello, first time poster long time reader. The idea of the program is to accept a file_name from the user and find it within the "text" folder. To count the ...
[6 replies] Last: Previous problem solved. I changed string Letter_count(string stri... (by Stoneynine)
How to pass variable to a function in constructor
In a project I am working on, I have to initialize a window and pass it as a parameter to another constructor, but before the window is initialized, it is passe...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much Helios, you just solved hours worth of debugging for... (by Mayday556)
by twesna
Program doesn't work! Need Help!
So i've made a program which is suppose to allow the user to play rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock against the computer. However I can't seem to get the program...
[4 replies] Last: perfect thanks a lot mate! (by twesna)
by erin1
making a bar graph
Hi, I'm taking a computer science class and one of our assignments required me to make a bar graph using xcode and sfml. We had to input a file for the heights,...
[no replies]
Sorting a list
I have a .txt file which I want to read from and then write a new text file, this time with sorted lines. It is easy to sort one value, but what about sorting e...
[2 replies] Last: What if there are duplicate lines, (or duplicate first values), the st... (by Chervil)
Need help Tree
So I am trying to create a simple binary tree that will ask the user for a command so that is either 'insert or find' and with insert they can put in a number t...
[9 replies] Last: Your binary tree code looks okay but you're only inputting a single nu... (by dhayden)
Back Color
Hello Everyone, I want to know about some best color schemes for my windows form application. Please give some suggestion by telling me the red green and b...
[5 replies] Last: Disch is right, the appearance of the Window is a user preference ... (by Computergeek01)
Error during compile. LNK1120
So I'm stuck unable to compile this program because it throws two errors. I'm not to completely sure what they are and don't seem to be the actual code but I'm...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply. Had finals. So apparently i did choose the w... (by Hippiewho)
Text to Morse Code
So I don't actually have any way to test this because this is supposed to be part of a larger program that I'm working on. The send_high and send_low functions ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Your way is much easier haha. I didn't even know yo... (by nboch12)
Releasing a c++ program
I've built a program in my Win7 64BIT in C++, and I want to share it with my Windows XP 32 bit computer. When I run the release build in my Windows XP, it says...
[2 replies] Last: The toolset is set to V110 Windows XP... (by AmitM9S6)
mistake in the code
i am expecting to get correct answer for every value of x, n and a where -10^9 <= a <= 10^9 1 <= x <= 10^18 and 1 <= n <= 10000 every value here is an int...
[1 reply] : on line 45, should be int main() (by flony1)
by AceK
Can a C++ program support a web appicaiton
Hi there guys. I need to know if it is possible to have a C++ program support a web application (i.e. an application that runs in a web browser). I want my C++ ...
[3 replies] Last: just use C++ Yes. You can do that even without the libraries. They br... (by coder777)
How to learn system level programming
How do i learn system level programming, like creating keyloggers or use networks or simply create programs that interaact with my operating system,dlls etc bas...
[2 replies] Last: Which OS do you want to learn? And which systems do you want? If you... (by Stewbond)
June 2014 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 21
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