General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 9)

by rain
Is there more efficient/better way convert wchar_t to wchar?
Hello. I would like to convert wchar_t* to char*. However if possible I would like to avoid OS specific libraries. here's code I've made sofar. I am wondering...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. (by rain)
Working with zip and similar files
Hey guys, wondering if anyone knows any functions in windows (which is the preferable option) or any external libraries designed for working extensively with th...
[8 replies] Last: Added note re limitation of Win32 LZ function to previous post in this... (by andywestken)
by Luice
double free or corruption problem..
There was a problem with the code like the following. Is it possible that what is a problem? ex) void function(string str1) { string str2; str2 = str...
[1 reply] : No, that code looks fine to me, assuming you are using std::string any... (by firedraco)
problem with my calendar
My program has the problem where after it displays the regular months (1-12) it then displays more months after that. Also the start days always start on a Tue...
[1 reply] : Hi kaifeng08, Some things I noticed: Your isleapyear function is too... (by TheIdeasMan)
Destructor working concept
I am doing a win32 application in that i am using 2class.From one class constructor dynamically allocating memory for the second class object & destroying it fr...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your reply.But i dont know about polymorphisam.i am a be... (by manjut19)
need help to convert to round robin
i just need help on converting my void departure(void) into a round robin algortihm, need a selected queue for it, now its on First in first out #include ...
[no replies]
Bubble sorting with Function templates
hey guys i'm new to C++ i came across this bubblesort program earlier relating to class templates i was wondering how to make this into simple function templat...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, come on! #include <iostream> template< typename T > void get( T... (by JLBorges)
mutual exclusions problem
im trying to figure this out and Im having problems getting it to not go into an infinite loop. The exchange function is actually implementing mutual exclusion ...
[5 replies] Last: Wow, hilarious! I've not seen reference to this in so long. The doma... (by AdrianH)
Need help with ifstream insertion with white space delimited data
I'm doing a project that takes in a input file with Quarterback statistics. It has their name, team, completions, sacks, touchdowns, etc. It has 16 different va...
[6 replies] Last: Great. Please mark as answered. (by AdrianH)
initialize a matrix in while-loop
Hi, I have written a program, in which I create a NxN-matrix. As I need some different samples (some different such NxN-matrices), I try to create a new matr...
[5 replies] Last: int N= 10; apologizes. the long code, I hid the bottom. however, "N" ... (by ar2007)
Problem with reading CSV File
Hello everyone! I have a small problem, and I would really appreciate any help! What I am trying to do is a small program that creates accounts (User name, ...
[5 replies] Last: it says this on the compiler "no matching function for call to `getl... (by ENIGMAx)
by Sajeth
functions in c++
hi guys can someone enlighten me about passing and returning character and integer arrays with functions using simple programs...use pointers if necessary
[1 reply] : (by Fransje)
How many random numbers make up a 100
Hallo People, Please help me solve this problem: Assuming you have an array of these values x=[16,18,23,24,39,40] how would you write a function to genera...
[3 replies] Last: If the values have to be integers then you can get a solution to this ... (by Smac89)
Inverted Difference Triangle
PLEASE HELP! Introduction Similar to Pascal’s triangle, the difference triangle has some interesting properties that find applications in various fields of...
[2 replies] Last: Are you looking for someone to do it for you? If so, please move it to... (by Script Coder)
FLTK and OpenGL (GLFW)
Is there a way that I can still use OpenGL with GLFW controlling the windows, but use FLTK for pop-up windows? Thanks in advance.
[no replies]
by minak
referenced in function _main
now I have new errors relate to linker such as unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall BCI2000Remote::GetControlSignal(int,int,double &)" (?GetCont...
[3 replies] Last: its complaining that it cant find a function body for GetControlSignal... (by Jaybob66)
dividing string into pieces
hi there, i made a calculator that you have to give terms and operators one by one but now i want to improve it. the user now should be able to type somethin...
[2 replies] Last: strtok() should be a good place to start (by Jaybob66)
If then statements
How do i get it to read just one of the if statements, currently it will print all 3 based on the temp and rain inputs I give it. Is if/then not the correct ...
[3 replies] Last: separating all of the not watered really helped a ton! thanks man (by Blanchy)
by minak
no conversion from 'const char *' to 'TCHAR *'
Hi, I am trying to build this program,but I got this error :error C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'const char *' to 'TCHAR *' I wonder if anyone could help me ...
[3 replies] Last: Yout should also replace int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv ) with ... (by andywestken)
can anyone tell why the first and last name option appears at the same time when 2nd student name is entered
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; struct student { char firstName ; char lastName ; char rollNo ; dou...
[6 replies] Last: thank u atyab and cubbi :) (by hassannoor11)
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