General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 21)

Problem on Codeforces
Hi .. There is a problem in codeforces that i can't understand I hope you can help me with it .
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Feedback for my solution for a C++ excersice
Hallo everybody, Few months ago I had a test in C++ and one of the assignment I was asked to do is the one I wrote below. I failed this assignment, but did not ...
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by Hobbes
Working with Pointers, Arrays and Dynamic memory
Hi I am really new to programming in C++ and I need advice on how to tackle a project. I am trying to create a CD Collection where the user inputs the title of ...
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problem in writing to file
In this code I am able to enter the name and marks for the first time correctly but after that I can only enter the marks and not name. please help #include ...
[1 reply] : You are intermingling formatted input with unformatted input. See: htt... (by JLBorges)
read multiple text files and count the occurrences of a word
I am supposed to read(scan) data from a folder with multiple(21578) text files, and file names are numbered from 1 to 21578,and read each word that occurs in a ...
[1 reply] : >".txt"); i is an int , not a std::string . #i... (by JLBorges)
What's the use of final keyword in C++11 virtual functions
2 Questions: 1. As I understand, virtual functions are used to implement polymorphism, i.e., to allow derived classes to implement these functions in a diffe...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Olysold, now I understand. (by abhishekm71)
Need help Asap
ok this is the question or problem:3. a. The Last National Bank has two branches, each of which uses a sequential file containing a summary of customers’ che...
[1 reply] : (by ats15)
Switch case problem
Hi all, I'm at the end of my assignment, I am just stuck on one last thing. Within my switch case I have the user enter a number between 1-5. Option 1 should ...
[13 replies] Last: I'm not very sure what's going on in that code. Trying it out myself, ... (by Olysold)
2 same char value declaration
when i do char temp ; char temp2 ; it gives abort error....idk why
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Process Column
Hello all, Thanks for the help I got from y'all last time my code has worked perfectly. I'm writing a simple code that will read in a number from "N...
[4 replies] Last: OK so your saying to randomize multipels of bytes that make up a line?... (by JesusH1)
by CroCo
Shuffle Three Cards?
Every time I run the code, it gives me same result. What is wrong? This is my code. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> cons...
[2 replies] Last: @naraku9333, thanks. it worked. (by CroCo)
why am I getting garbage data?
I am getting good data up until my readout towards the end and I can't figure out why. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #incl...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by bian440)
How to use the Detour library in C++ properly for a simple hook of a function with known memory adress?
I am having trouble to get my first hook using detour to work. I am using Detour 3.0. My code compiles fine and I can inject the DLL using Winject , however,...
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Daily interest rate
I am making this program for a class and it works fine except for the daily interest rate for the checking account is off. The daily interest for the savings co...
[1 reply] : take a look at this (by Yanson)
static const member initialization problem (1,2)
I am having a problem concerning a static const member variable I want to use to set a certain property of my class during development time. The question actual...
[22 replies] Last: Well, the following works: //constant.h const int MyArraySize = 256;... (by mario0815)
trying to reduce the overhead on my program that is supposed to find the highest prime of 600851475143 (1,2)
I have reduced it for lower numbers but for some reason with higher numbers when i get the program to out put all the primes they are in minuses!!! i need a wa...
[23 replies] Last: This is the way i did it :) #include <iostream> #include<math.h> us... (by jidder)
Strange problem with static const member variable
Does anyone understand what the problem with the following code is? It compiles with Visual C++ 2012 but does not with g++: //a.h #ifndef Loaded #define Loa...
[5 replies] Last: It's not an area I know that well. What I've just described is pretty ... (by andywestken)
Hello , I tryed probably everything possibl eto get bound box collision to work , basicly I need collision just like super mario one ( left right top bottom), ...
[no replies]
Stuck again...Help please
Write a program that determines whether a meeting room is in violation of fire law regulations regarding the maximum room capacity. The program will read in the...
[2 replies] Last: Errors Corrected, try this.. Good Luck, Zaki #include <iostream> //Yo... (by Zaki Al Qudah)
by Daleth
A good alternative to Design Patterns by Erich Gamma et. al.
I put a request on Design Patterns from a local library, but the book freaking went missing. What is another book about software design patterns that you would...
[3 replies] Last: i bought that book about 9 years ago and nowadays just google stuff ab... (by mutexe)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 28
  Archived months: [may2013] [jul2013]

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