General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 14)

copy constrctor
i defined a class sample like this.. class sample { int i; public: explicit sample(int a) { i=a; cout<<"i amin constructor"<<endl; } sam...
[5 replies] Last: THanks evryone for replying .....and thanks vaidfrommosow for ur exac... (by venkatapr)
SUPPOSE I gave my input as 16 5 2013 how can i get output as tomorrow is not hoilday.
[11 replies] Last: Ahh.. I got it.. I guess this is my mistake. My teacher talked only ab... (by jumper007)
by soori
operator overloading ++
operator overloading for ++ postfix is: operator++(int x) eventhough we r not passing int arg "Obj++" how is the post incriment invoked..?
[9 replies] Last: Thank u very much guys..!! (by soori)
ok where is this left bracket
OK codes going under this under the code will be the one fatal error im using Microsoft visual c++ 2010. #include <vector> #pragma once using na...
[9 replies] Last: > @Lachlan Easton First colon should be a semicolon; for (int i=0;i<bu... (by jumper007)
I need one program code plz i have exam plz
Write a program that asks the user for the current date, tells the user what tomorrow's date is, tells the user whether the next day is a holiday, and tells the...
[1 reply] : Please show us what your first attempt to the problem is? Did you writ... (by jumper007)
why am i getting this error.
[18 replies] Last: Oh.. sorry.. It was just that my Visual Studio highlighted the errors ... (by jumper007)
Help on pointer File of class in BT
#include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> class Student { private: int ID,Hour; char Name ,Sex ; flo...
[1 reply] : I just... I can't even... (by Lachlan Easton)
Changing Array Values
Hello I need help trying to figure this out. If I have an array of two columns that have the same values and I want to change only the third column how can I go...
[7 replies] Last: Assuming you had arrays val and val2 from my previous post: for(int ... (by Daleth)
I have a C program and I am trying to change this program to visual c++
This C program about the Execute Assembly Instructions. And I will change this to Visual C++ on form screen. Can anybody help me?
[4 replies] Last: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> //#include<iostream.h> #include<... (by szypowerr)
Please help!!!
The 1o1, 1o2, 1o3, and 104 for some reason are not working, if somebody can see my mistake and point it out i would be very grateful, because I am failing to se...
[3 replies] Last: Got it. Thank you so much. I appreciate it (by neverwas10)
I have an Exam in C++ Programming ..Help ?!!
ok so the exam is : Airline Booking System a small airline company bought a computer to automate reserving tickets. it asks me to build it's system This...
[3 replies] Last: I'm a Beginner and I'm Still learning -_- (by hossambalouiri)
by pwcel
What am I doing wrong??
This partial code is for a matrix calculator and I'm trying to overload the operator << so that it will be written to another file. I'm getting this error "qual...
[3 replies] Last: $ dict swap To exchange (usually two things of the same kind) that's ... (by ne555)
Template Issues
Hello everyone. Well, basically, what I've been doing was creating a class that would implement the concept of Double Linked List, but that would behave like a ...
[6 replies] Last: So, what I meant is really std::deque, not std::list. template < cla... (by jumper007)
by tambun
swap is not declared
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { void sort(int &small, int &mid , int &large); void swap1(int, int); void swap...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much I understand more on this problems.. (by tambun)
help me pick apart my code
here is the full code i"m making a star ship that moves left and right and shoots. this is microsoft visual complier c++ 2010 btw (all help would be appreciated...
[3 replies] Last: ty jumper i've only know c++ for 5 days so i'm a beginner. (by thebigrobo)
by nishal
using to_string function in mingw gcc 4.7.1
I wanted to use the to_string function in my program built with gcc 4.7.1. But i was getting an error that it was not declared in the scope. So, I downloaded th...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks tntxtnt. That was the mistake... (by nishal)
by Daleth
Global Scope and scope resolution operator
Are there any situations to explicitly use the scope resolution operator with global scope? I can imagine a situation like: //Please ignore the nonsense fr...
[8 replies] Last: Ah, thanks for those examples. I tried figuring out an example from wh... (by Daleth)
by nishal
Doubt with usage of string::substr() function
If the length of the string is less than the length of the substring requested, what will happen to the substring?
[2 replies] Last: See this page: (by Fransje)
by BReedy
Shared memory programming slower w/newer compilers vs older compilers
I have a series of c++ batch programs that run concurrently and use shared memory to pass data between them. The programs are built for windows and UNIX with a...
[1 reply] : Most likely the slowdown comes from the OS update, not the compiler up... (by helios)
How would I read a hex byte, then output it as a letter?
Hey. Well as you can see from my name I'm a beginner. But here's what I need help doing. Basically, I have a file. In this file, each hex byte represents ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <map> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip... (by JLBorges)
June 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 28
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