General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 13)

Google codejam solution
Dear fellow programming enthusiasts, I have been sharpening my coding skills for the past few days and what better way to do that than solve Google's programmi...
[16 replies] Last: Smac89, that is genius. So c++ does have various tools to make program... (by vasiqisbewildered)
member function of classs
Hi friends i m not sure whether i can define a member function inside a class or not in C++. Is the following code is legal? #include<iostream> using namespac...
[6 replies] Last: u can define a member function inside a class. (by hassannoor11)
shared_ptr in multi-threaded app
I have a problem with using std and boost shared_ptr in multi-threaded application. It is well illustrated with this test: #include <memory> #include <omp.h> ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. It helped. (by efimd72)
File manipulation in C++, retrieving data from file
Hello everybody. I have a program that saves some data got from user. So it's necessary to save in a file, which I didn't have any trouble. The problem I found...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you man! Worked very nice! (by goncalves)
string problem
Hi guys i m facing a problem and i need your kind help. I m using Borland Turbo C++ IDE version 3.0. While i try to compile the following code its shows an erro...
[8 replies] Last: The C++ Standard For compatibility with the C standard library and t... (by vlad from moscow)
Create a DLL
Hello i'm a new programer and i need a help in my work there is a simple but bigest fremework, i need to tranform it in a windows dll and it was made in l...
[1 reply] : You will need to take the original source code and compile it yourself... (by LB)
by sayeed
Help me to complete this program.
Hi Guys, I am writing a program as below: 1. Program starts. 2. The program will wait for user input and prompt user to input an integer value in betwe...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=giblit] don't use using namespace std unless it's a very big pr... (by naraku9333)
returning an array from a function
hello, I am trying to neaten my code by putting them in different cpp files but in one function an array is changed: int function(int array2 ) { for (in...
[9 replies] Last: PS Please check out: How to use code tags (by andywestken)
Need Urgent help! Pass to a function
Same Algorithm must be implemented within a function. String is accepted in main() and passed to the function. The code is about reversing each word in stri...
[1 reply] : void YourFunctionName(char a ) { // copy paste you algorithm here } i... (by nkendra)
by tee360
HELP w/ I/O Streams
I seem to be missing a concept or 2 here ... I am tasked with writing a program that reads text from a file and outputs each line to the screen as well as to an...
[7 replies] Last: > This program really aggravated me ... it seemed so easy, but I simpl... (by JLBorges)
UDF File Transfer. char* packet_sent is not taking complete packet
*Edit: sorry meant to put UDP* // // main.cpp // UDPFtpClient // // Created by on 6/16/13. // Copyright (c) 2013 . All rights reserved. // #include <std...
[1 reply] : for binary data such as a picture you cannot use strlen() since it e... (by coder777)
Help with Arrays???!!
Hey everyone! I can NOT seem to get this thing to work correctly. I have tried and tried, but just keep getting errors. Can someone PLEASE help me figure out...
[3 replies] Last: You do know anything to the power of 0 is 1 right? so 2 * ( 2 ^ 1 ) + ... (by giblit)
Assign object into unordered_map array?
typedef tr1::unordered_map <string, pin *> pin_cmp; pin_cmp _pin_cmp; _Pins = new pin (pin_id, _num_pins, s, n, d); _pin_cmp[_Pins ->get_na...
[1 reply] : Do these help? (by TheIdeasMan)
How to work with visual interface in C++?
I am teaching myself C++, I have downloaded code::blocks and even run my first hello world scripts and a bit more, but so far all the tutorials I have bee using...
[2 replies] Last: The C++ language does not include support for GUI's. C++ at its core i... (by MikeyGold)
need help individual assignment c++
this is an assignment of my c++ i. Provide several options to user to decide on the action they wish to perform. ii. Read in information such as date of expen...
[1 reply] : there are a ton of resources a... (by Blanchy)
Source Code For Text-based Game
Feel free to add any features onto it. It is just code for text based game and it has been tested just compile it in the GCC compiler and it should work. ...
[3 replies] Last: It's not weird..It is because you have no error checking with your inp... (by giblit)
CSV manipulation
Im not sure if Im able to upload files. But this is what Im trying to do. I have a CSV file called retirements_2063.csv and two files leagueleaders_batting206...
[1 reply] : Here is a youtube video of me doing this within excel. (by tyriekfv)
Want to play my txt game?
Hi, try to beat the high scores! and any feed back is great! It's the release version just so no one steals my code!
[7 replies] Last: [quote=ar2007]you are who you really are a smart. sin I wanted to blow... (by Disch)
TURKİSH | I have a test tomorrow. urgent help is needed
1. Hesap makinesi programında ‘Enter(=)’,’x^y’ ve ‘log10’ butonlarına yazılacak fonksiyonları oluşturunuz. 2. Forma bir üçgen çizen progr...
[1 reply] : 1 The calculator program 'Enter' (=) ',' x ^ y 'and' log10 'buttons to... (by Smac89)
reading and writing the file
#include<stdio.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<fstream> struct employee { char name ; int marks; float st...
[no replies]
June 2013 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 28
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