General C++ Programming - June 2013 (Page 10)

Adding a URL in ofStream to make Vbs script
Title might be a big questionable but I need some help I have tried googling how to do this but nothing comes up on this topic. So the problem is that if yo...
[1 reply] : Escape the quotes launch << " Url = \""; (by naraku9333)
Removing an element from Map.
Hi all, I have a map as below. MoTopImpl is a class. Map<MoTopImpl*,os_Reference_protected<MoTopImpl> > map_; The map is populated as below: void...
[6 replies] Last: Here are the details of the Map. Please let me know if you need defini... (by vinaynaikwad)
Compund Interest formula problem
Having trouble with the equation for compound interest. the interest is supposed to be $43.34 according to the book, I am ending up with around $35 the ac...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the code, was able to find the mistake in mine. cout <... (by Blanchy)
by mr1789
cout into another/new terminal
Hi all, I want to cout some text in another terminal. Reason is the program I am working on, when it is running, will give many error warnings although it is ha...
[2 replies] Last: > I want the "some text" to appear in another terminal > while the wa... (by JLBorges)
by xenoha
class objects
I am having difficulty with class objects. I cannot figure out 1. why my program won't actually compare the two strings. 2. why and where I am having a memory d...
[5 replies] Last: yes, yes it is. I thought it kept erasing and rewriting the array when... (by xenoha)
What are templates used for? I mean; what is their practical use? What types of programs would generally use them?
[1 reply] : (by kempofighter)
Problem with SDL + OpenGL (1,2)
Well first off I'm almost sure the problem is with me being stupid, or OpenGL, not SDL. Well I'm following the tutorials from "thecplusplusguy" on youtube, a...
[26 replies] Last: Oh, I was thinking there were more window commands that SDL required f... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
hii friends ........this is the question which is asked in interviews.. how i find the factorial of number whose range is larger than long double and how we...
[5 replies] Last: still, you could reach a higher maximum with floating type (losing pre... (by ne555)
Turbo C compiler
hii friends...can any one tell me that in which directory errors are stored in the turbo c compiler..there is definetly a directory where all errors are stored.
[1 reply] : I doubt that the compiler logs the error messages, you could use strea... (by ne555)
Overloading new operator
i have seen syntax somewhere that they overloaded new operator to initialize the memory that is allocated for ex. char*q=new(*)char; this actually a...
[2 replies] Last: in general, the expression Type* p = new(arg1, arg2, arg3) Type; wil... (by Cubbi)
if statement
hi friends. what is output of this C program.. this one is from book let us c #include<stdio.h> int main() { int x=10,y=20; if(x==y); pri...
[5 replies] Last: yeah i got it but according to my knowledge the syntax of if statement... (by gautamreloaded)
by latchu
Passing the missing numbers to an Array of 3 x 3
Hi, I have an Array of and by default the numbers will be in following format, which is not visible - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I need to get the numbers...
[5 replies] Last: Vlad your logic works great! With your logic, i can able to get the m... (by latchu)
Dúvida em um programa.
Galera, preciso criar um programa em C++ que pegue um arquivo denominado Dados.txt" e faça as seguintes coisas : Implementar funções para calcular e escr...
[1 reply] : Sería útil si nos dijeras cuál es el problema. Para que el código... (by ne555)
reverse an array unexpected result
// i use dev c++ i write this code to reverse an array and save the result in the same one if n=3 i expect a =0 a =1 a =2 (before rev is OK but after calli...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome! (by MikeyBoy)
by minak
'BCI2000Remote' : undeclared identifier
hi I am new to c++. I added a header to my program and I instantiated an abject from the an class which defined in the header file but when I compile my progra...
[1 reply] : The error is pretty straightforward. The compiler doesn't know what B... (by Disch)
dynamic allocation
int(*p) ; what this statement does..????? does it allocate some memory or does it just declare p......what it actually does ..???i am new to c++ please ...
[3 replies] Last: int (*p) ; does not allocate memory; it is, as JLBorge said, a point... (by andywestken)
efficiency question
Hi I have one vector of size 4 (vector<int> vec(4);) that its elements were read from a sequential file. I have a copy of vec that its name is vec2 (vector<in...
[1 reply] : Source code would be helpful as there simply might be a mistake. (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
Linking static library to .cpp file
I have a libcx3d.a which contains my VrmlParser class and other classes which are used by VrmlParser. I have a main.cpp which does this : VrmlParser vp = new V...
[9 replies] Last: I solved the problem. Initially, I built the static library through c... (by animesh644)
Detect Windows 8 Snap
Hello, Windows 8 has a thing where you can have a app snapped to the side of the screen while in desktop at the same time as a metro app. i wanted to know if...
[4 replies] Last: You may search from here: (by Roman Gorislavski)
Searching for character in string
I'm trying to find a < character in a document, get it's position. Then find > and get it's position. Then i want to delete all things between that but runtime ...
[6 replies] Last: What if statement should i insert? You already have the right if-sta... (by andywestken)
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