General C++ Programming - July 2015 (Page 9)

Class Object Declaration
Can anyone tell what is wrong with the code I wrote. I am trying to create an object with the class but it won't let me. The error is as follows: ||=== Buil...
[2 replies] Last: Oh ok. Gotcha :) Thanks a lot. (by smayandaruka)
by olette
Looking for a bit of help
So my lab tells me to creating reportingMark A string named reportingMark to contain two to four characters I can't figure out how to limit a string to a cert...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah I'm not sure. I'm trying equality in the while and it still just ... (by olette)
by homing
always static const if variable doesn't change?
Hey, Let's assume i have a member Array of vectors, e.g. enemy pawn positions for a game. So these positions never change and are always the same. With s...
[4 replies] Last: Yes. You can take the address of a static. You can't take the addres... (by kbw)
by Lancer
String object
1. The following I want to use to input the file names in a CLR Windows Form program. Input is a String object. Property to access the text in the edit box ...
[1 reply] : Any reason you don't want to use the File I/O capabilities provided by... (by booradley60)
Merge Sort problem
void merge_sort(int *A, int p, int r) { if(p<r) { int q; q=(p+r)/2; cout<<"q: "<<q<<endl; merge_sort(A, p, q); ...
[no replies]
by Debn
I need help with my game
Hello to everyone! Right now I am writing a game the is like a randomly generated number is showed to the user for some seconds and he has to remember it. Then...
[no replies]
by Oigo
how do i change a struct to an array, string, or pointer?
Hi i need help converting my struct to something i can use in C program. I understand that structs are introduces in C++ so i was wondering how i could change t...
[4 replies] Last: Your code is basically a c program (as LB stated struct is actually C)... (by coder777)
Making a program
Hey guys! I wanna make a program that effects my keyboard, i don't know if its possible.. but thats why im asking! Anyways, i wanna make a program where it g...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for the inputs guys No pun intended :) (by mutexe)
how to use pointer array to reference an object
want to use pointer arrays to reference LED componennts LED* m_PurpleLEDArray ; m_PurpleLEDArray = ui->MyLED1
[1 reply] : So you have declared a double dimension array of pointer to LED. assum... (by codewalker)
C2. Functions with variable number of arguments Write a function write with variable number of arguments that takes a string first argument followed by any nu...
[4 replies] Last: No the number of arguments. the index of arguments is represented by t... (by codewalker)
C++ App certificate
How do I get a certificate for my C++ app, so that when people wish to download, they do not get the warning of unverified application or something like this......
[3 replies] Last: thanks v much :) (by csstudent123)
Cutting off repeating chars & placing chars into array
I am doing a project that requires me to take a keyword and not allow it to have any repeating characters. For example if it was HAPPINESS, it would have to bec...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, the 5x5 array is a trick. First, unique the string "HAPPINESS"... (by Duthomhas)
I need help with C++ my goal is to search for a word in a vector array and then return it as found!! someone please help me clarify this method without using li...
[3 replies] Last: okay so i changed the line 69-76 -- please explain to me what im missi... (by p4rs3r0)
undefined reference to `vtable
Hello, I am begginner in C++ and using 3rd party library. When running make target on Xubuntu I get the following error: [100%] Building CXX object CMakeFi...
[9 replies] Last: got you, thank you! (by stridder)
key in function
hey, if i want a user to press a keyboard key(like "k") anytime during a loop so something will happen in addition to everything else in the loop, how do i do t...
[3 replies] Last: If you want your program to do more than one task at a time, in this c... (by Computergeek01)
by noaboa
C++ SDL display texture
Hi, I just started learning SDL. Im reading the book SDL Game Development and I have an error in my code. I don't know if I can ask about SDL here, but I think ...
[4 replies] Last: I just tested it and I didnt get any errors. I've checked the file I l... (by noaboa)
how to make format in {} form?
I'm trying to change the format into a curly brace form so I can call the first argument by {0} and a second argument by {1} in string form. void write( cons...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, the curly braces are in the format string. Typically, format spec... (by Duthomhas)
Linear Search Help
Hey guys, I have to create a program that fulfills the following: create a 25 element array with values between 1 and 50 and prompt user for a number to search...
[1 reply] : It's easier if you split it up in small steps. The description says yo... (by Peter87)
Programming Help
Hey Could anyone help me with this please ? I am still not good with searches Charge Account Validation Write a program that lets the user enter a charge acc...
[1 reply] : Write a program that lets the user enter (by mutexe)
Plz help Urgent- Tomb of Queen Nefertiti
Question 5 – Tomb of Queen Nefertiti Egyptian Pyramids were constructed around 2500 – 3000 BC, by using large Cubic blocks placed in a perfect mathematical...
[no replies]
July 2015 Pages: 1... 7891011... 15
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