General C++ Programming - July 2015 (Page 6)

Will this work?
I was wondering if you guys could tell me if my code is proper and will work while I'm searching for a way to launch it. #include <iostream> using name...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys for the feedback! I'll change it accordingly. (by trevor2clever9)
differential equations in c++
How to solve differential equations in c++ any idea. Is there any libraries like that.
[1 reply] : (by mutexe)
Const data Member
If class have const data member, then there must be a constructor with initialiser list. Please have a look: class Test { public: Test(); Test(int a,...
[7 replies] Last: except Array type C++11 also allows you to init array types. {4, 5... (by andywestken)
can anyone code this...........
Write a C++ program of the following problem: How many numbers are there below one-billion (109) that has only one or two Prime Factor.
[5 replies] Last: // Generates a list of all +ve numbers < limit, prime = 1, non-prime ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Code works in Release build, but not Debug
Hi, I'm new to C++ and currently taking a fundamental class on computer programming. My dilemma is that I can't seem to run my code in Debug, but it works flaw...
[1 reply] : Well there's not a lot anyone can do without seeing the code. Are you... (by ajh32)
Hey Guys need Help creating three functions setCorrectAnswers, inputAnswers, correctNumbers
This is what I got: Not sure if it is correct. I am sure it is the void setCorrectAnswers is where I am messing up #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> usin...
[5 replies] Last: No problem, main thing to take away from this would be that the { ... ... (by Ganado)
by Ozzy69
Help with malloc in c
Hi, how i put the malloc for the variable c? Look my code. #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int latim; int **m; int i, j, l, c; pri...
[2 replies] Last: First off, 'l' is a horrible variable name, because it looks like othe... (by Duthomhas)
by Ozzy69
Doubt in related the char in C
Hi, help with this code: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h> int main() { char nome ; char muie ; float altura =...
[3 replies] Last: Try this #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <strings.h>... (by include iostream)
Getting bad_alloc Exception from SFML
So I'm trying to render an entire map from one of my games onto a single image and save it to a file. To do this the image needs to be 14,400 by 14,400 pixels (...
[3 replies] Last: Woooo!! 64 bit was the solution! Thank you! (by ModShop)
by leetgb
Complex Class C++ Programming
[12 replies] Last: ... but you can't teach him to fish. Or code in C++. Especially if t... (by cnoeval)
can't get program to work
I'm new to C++ and I am learning from a book. One exercise asks to read a sequence of values into a vector and print the sum of all values, the smallest, the la...
[13 replies] Last: This is why I use while loops Huh? What reason are you citing as "t... (by doug4)
by xismn
Wrapping arbitrary functions with classes
Hi there, I'm wondering if someone here could show me that what I'm trying to do is any of the following (possibly a combination thereof): 1.) Possible 2...
[2 replies] Last: The term you want to read up on is called "polymorphism". You would st... (by Computergeek01)
How can I call a dll form another dll written in cpp without it crashing on me
Hello guys! I am new to the forum, I have a question which I posted on:
[5 replies] Last: And the buffer is large enough to contain the object populated by "Ima... (by Computergeek01)
Need Help The program asks the student to enter his/her answer to 10 multiple-choice questions
For this assignment, you will write a program that grades an online math quiz. The program asks the student to enter his/her answer to 10 multiple-choice quest...
[3 replies] Last: You'll need to post your code here or at least the section of the code... (by ajh32)
by axtyax
sfml sprite being obscured through pointer
Ok so I have a class called Render, a class called RenderMap, and another one called Collider. This is my issue: void Render::drawMap() { mapRender.DrawMa...
[no replies]
by j95193
A small problem running my game
Hello, I am trying to code up an adventure game that reads from a script on a text file. The program compiles and runs but it does not read from my .txt file an...
[1 reply] : seekg() takes an integer as its first parameter, not a pointer. Just p... (by helios)
Getting into "Object Oriented" spirit.
Hello everybody. So I've been using C for a while and got comfortable with it but now I want to start learning C++ and for that I decided a good strategy woul...
[5 replies] Last: I would say that your code is object-oriented whether or not you're us... (by Ganado)
by jsrlin
Printing bug
Hi, I'm a beginner at C++ and currently, I'm working on a Texas Hold Em game. My problem with my code (which, btw is not complete; I also only posted part of th...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks, it works now! I was guessing that the solution would be to put... (by jsrlin)
by souvik
creating exe file in c++ graphics programming
i had recently created an calculator using graphics programmming in dosbox emulated c++...although the program is running extremely fine by clicking on the run ...
[8 replies] Last: there any alternative for both...(?) Yes there is, it would de... (by Computergeek01)
Generic Programming in c++
Hello. In the following code template <typename T> T max(T &a, T &b) { if(a>b) return a; else return b; } Is it necessary ...
[3 replies] Last: It's not necessary but it's usually a good idea to pass arguments of t... (by Peter87)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 45678... 15
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