General C++ Programming - July 2014 (Page 22)

Unhandled exception new in c++ so please help me.. i have this error with my coding "Unhandled exception at 0x00f54593 in task 1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing...
[14 replies] Last: @Gaius i will try that..thank you (by shuthairah)
Console within window (How to?)
I am in the middle of building a program to back up information simply by clicking a button. So far it works but I use the system command (I don't know of any o...
[1 reply] : You need to create a pipe -- a file connection between programs. (Sp... (by Duthomhas)
by hero7k
how to create a bubble
is their a tutorial anywhere on how to create bubbles
[3 replies] Last: // Loop through every single element in array for (int i = 0; i < amo... (by GaiusBaltar)
Shunting Yard Algorithm, App Crash Help?
So Im writing code that is supposed to convert infix to postfix, and I have it working when I am not including parentheses, the working code is this: #inc...
[no replies]
string tokenization
Hello. I know there is strtok() to do the tokenization;but all strtok() examples I have seen only output one token at a time, moving the pointer ahead. Can't th...
[6 replies] Last: Or just use a tokenizer like Flex, Quex, or hand made. (by NoXzema)
by ntran
Power function with fractional exponents
Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a program to compute a^n, where a and n are rational numbers. Ex. 5^(0.345) Without using predefined functions like pow() or ...
[3 replies] Last: @ntran: I stepped through your code, even though I dont understand the... (by funprogrammer)
Error in calculation of volume. Pls help!! Have to submit this as project in 2 days
Calculation of volume of cylinder is faulty. volume of others is okay. dont have the slightest idea bout the problem. here is the code. #include<iostream....
[14 replies] Last: There are some suggestions for compilers on this page here at the bott... (by wildblue)
Initializer List on private members
Why does making m_i private make this fail to compile? class Class { public: int m_i; }; int main( void ) { Class klass = { 1 }; return 0; } The er...
[3 replies] Last: > Only aggregates can be initialized with the brace syntax. See: http... (by JLBorges)
Problem with comments
hi, i have a problem with comments in C++,& even in Java. what's the difference between /*This comment*/ /**And this one*/ thank u.
[1 reply] : /** is often used for documentation. It's used by documentation genera... (by Peter87)
mmioRead and 24 bit data
So my first question is when using mmioRead() to read a PCM WAV file that was written as 24 bit it tells me that my Bit Depth is 32, is this because there are n...
[7 replies] Last: That is correct - to my understanding. However, there are some things ... (by xismn)
Distance to alpha
Im trying to fade in and out text The max distance is 1000 an min is 0 how do i work out the alpha so that if its at 1000 max distance alpha(0) its faded away...
[4 replies] Last: thank you works good :) (by poohpooh)
Problem with final product
Hi, I use the codeblocks IDE and when ever I run the build directly it says it can not run without libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll. I assume these DLL ...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I think I will statically link them. If you ask me they look pret... (by danielmccarthy)
using for loops
cue any1 plyz help me out with writing a program that displays this 1***** 12**** 123*** 1234** 12345* 123456 using the for loop
[2 replies] Last: I assume you are a student. You should attempt problems yourself befor... (by danielmccarthy)
Quadratic Equation-output is NAN
soo...quadratic equation solver. output is "x=nan x=nan" any help appreciated. thanks #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using name...
[2 replies] Last: See my comments in a previous thread: (by Michael37)
using if statements using class and ==
hi, again. im stuck on printing the user's movie info input. I need to make it so that when the enter the title it will run the line of codes such as: ...
[10 replies] Last: You are using == to try to compare a Movie to string, and you haven't ... (by Zhuge)
by chhe
push_back error
So I've been trying to run the simple program below using code:blocks with windows 7 64 bit and after I click "build and run" the program opens and a screen app...
[1 reply] : You are accessing a vector<string> that doesn't exist (array is empty)... (by naraku9333)
switch case with enum types help pls
I'm trying to convert the enum type {PG, R, G, PG-13, etc.} to strings so i can use it in cout statement but no matter what i put inside switch(), the compiler ...
[4 replies] Last: Oooooooh wow. this was a really stupid mistake on my end thanks for po... (by closed account S23vqMoL)
Keyboard limits or such in C++
Okay, I don't know how exactly I can explain this, but I've been searching here and there, and didn't find what I wanted. Do you know how can I allow pressi...
[6 replies] Last: Er, what exactly are you trying to accomplish? If it is just somethin... (by Duthomhas)
[8 replies] Last: Don't delete your questions after you get a response. It's a jerk mov... (by Disch)
by fafner
Building an Octree
I've used bits of an article I read ( on building octrees, for use with a render-e...
[no replies]
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