General C++ Programming - July 2014 (Page 12)

Console app crashing after calling function
Im new to debugging but it says the problem is on line 97 which is the verb menu function being called in the first switch statement case 0: verb menu is...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both of you ,but that was the problem the for ( int i = 0; i... (by natepup21)
Solving a question from codechef..runtime error :/
All bandits are afraid of Sheriff. Sheriff constantly fights crime, but when bandits lay low, he gets bored and starts to entertain himself. This time Sheriff ...
[5 replies] Last: cin>>s; b.makecopy(s+... (by ne555)
by manojg
what is wrong with this template?
Hi, I have defined a test class "Pair" with a template but I am getting compilation error. Without template, it compiles fine. So, something is coming due t...
[4 replies] Last: I found somewhere (by MikeyBoy)
Outputting a string depending on the color detected in a frame a video feed
Hi, so what I'm trying to do is output a certain string depending on the color I see in the video feed. For right now, what I've done is threshold the feed so t...
[1 reply] : This error seems pretty explicit on why it isn't working. "cannot con... (by Yay295)
Allegro CPP ~ "Pong".
Hi, would like to know where I went wrong in this code... Basically the program "minimizes" but dose not crash (witch I find weird). #include <allegro....
[2 replies] Last: Can you describe your error in more depth? And narrow your code down t... (by ResidentBiscuit)
multiple transaction/stub functions.
I am so entirely confused. I have a really messy/basic outline but I'm not sure where to go from here. Any and all input is greatly appreciated! Sorry it's kind...
[1 reply] : Please do not cross-post the same problem: (by AbstractionAnon)
by TveryO
Basic Inheritance Class 1 ERROR Code Frustrating !
Whats up guys , I have to design a a motorbike class today using inheritance from a vehicle class that i had previously designed. My goals are 1) to design a ...
[10 replies] Last: You created an askWheels function prototype. This code goes in your i... (by AbstractionAnon)
by BasV
unexpected static_cast behavior
Hi everyone, When a dynamic_cast<A*>(b) returns NULL, doesn't that mean a static_cast<A*>(b) should throw an exception? I'm using wxWidgets, and I accidenta...
[1 reply] : static_cast never throw exceptions. The only safety static_cast has is... (by Peter87)
Add custom MENUITEM to a POPUP?
Hi I have a POPUP MAIN_MENU MENU { POPUP "&Manager" { MENUITEM "New Royal Python", MENU_NEW_ROYAL_PYTHON POPUP "&Select...
[8 replies] Last: I wrote example for you: resource.h #define IDR_MAINMENU 100 #define... (by tath)
Call back for calendar? WINAPI
I have made a calendar using a resource file and using the winapi CALENDAR_DLG DIALOG 0, 0, 186, 95 STYLE DS_3DLOOK | DS_CENTER | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SHELLF...
[5 replies] Last: Take a look at this: (by coder777)
by ak 47
Saving packets of data to a vector ?
I am receiving packets of data from an ethernet cable. This is the line of code that is streaming in data from the ethernet cable: size_t num_rx_samps = rx_st...
[1 reply] : std::vector<std::vector<samp_type> > vector_vector; vector_vector.pu... (by helios)
How to make this into an array 1-50
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> using namespace std; class Heap { public: Heap(); ~Heap(); void insert(int elem...
[6 replies] Last: This program seems to be alright, but why I think you don't understand... (by lsk)
by Yay295
Create Object of Unsigned Template
template<class T> void function ( T item ) { unsigned T willThisWork; // <-- } Visual Studio compiles it, but will it actually do what I want? I do k...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, that is what I wanted. Thank you. (by Yay295)
Converting Input to Uppercase?
I'm trying to create a sort of text-adventure game, but rather than having to check for the input being uppercase or lowercase, I'd rather convert it before che...
[4 replies] Last: toupper will return the uppercase equivalent of its argument. tolower ... (by filthyparselmouth)
hi there everyone~~ please check my error :)
hi there everyone. i'm learning how to use functions and i'm not sure what my mistake is #include<iostream> using namespace std; double get_coin(double c...
[5 replies] Last: if I understood what this function does then the function protoype is ... (by JewelCpp)
What to learn first OpenGL or DirectX
I know there are too many topics about it but they all asks what to learn. The matter is we should learn both to be a really good. Iwant to develop my game...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for the tip. It is nice that there is a free resource. Edit: A... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by Jakee
Weapon system with maps, is this the best way?
This is some code I came up with today, eventually I want to make a game and I found a cool way for a weapon system (setting a damage of a weapon, its attack sp...
[2 replies] Last: You said you have UE4? Means you have access to the UT source code. Ch... (by ResidentBiscuit)
hi there everyone~~ please check my error :)
hi there i can't seem to find my error :( i've put my error at the bottom of the code. btw this is my first post:) #include <iostream> using namespace ...
[5 replies] Last: line 15 - do you mean to send price and down_payment that have just be... (by wildblue)
Template Linked List?
Hey, I've just finished implementing a Linked List. It works great with Integers. However, when I change it to String, it gives the following error: error C26...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, how could I forget about that. Thanks! :) (by jumper007)
Linking to static library
I have built a static library that contains a macro. From a separate exe, I am calling this macro, but it doesn't work. The compilation of the static library...
[4 replies] Last: @iQChange, oops a daisy! (by Jaybob66)
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