General C++ Programming - July 2013 (Page 3)

by sujha
Question:Write a program that reads in a two-dimensional array representing the coordinates of points in space. The program should determine the largest absol...
[3 replies] Last: 1) Please use code tags when posting code here, so that we can read i... (by MikeyBoy)
Another attempt for the C++ syntax card
Here it goes: It's version 0.27. With some help it will reach version 0.9 in 2013.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, whitenite1! If you want, I will send you the tex file. It... (by simplas2002)
by Ikaros
Shift and multiply elements of large array
Hi, I have a large array and I should shift and multiply certain elements of this array. The problem is that I should do this efficiently. Here is example what ...
[no replies]
Tokenise a string in cpp
Hi I have a string like 12;13;14|aa=12;bb=15;cc=18 I need to store the values 12,13,14 in a list, aa,bb,cc values in a list and mapping of aa,bb,cc...
[3 replies] Last: Hi ajh32 and cubbi, Thanks for the replies both of the solutions worke... (by avaya567)
by sujha
arrays n functions
Question: Write a program that reads in a two-dimensional array representing the coordinates of points in space. The program should determine the largest abso...
[5 replies] Last: the code can be compiled and run, but then it displays wrong output on... (by sujha)
by ven132
Need help on FOR loops :(
Hey guys! I need help! I'm kinda new here so i'll cut the to the crap. I need to make a FOR loop for an array of 5 elements. (array ). The loop should pick the...
[2 replies] Last: void del( int a , int n ) { int j = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < n;... (by vlad from moscow)
Error LNK2019
Hi all, This is the error I am getting in one of my projects. Can anyone tell me what it is supposed to mean? I did some research on net and found that I should...
[1 reply] : What does your project setup look like? The error is that you are call... (by Zhuge)
saving in c++
I'm having trouble trying to save a variable from an input of the user. Then use it when i start up another .exe. If it makes any difference I am using dev c+...
[1 reply] : Here are two possible ways: 1. Save the variable to a file that the se... (by ats15)
by xismn
Nested ctor
Like most of my questions, this one is an arbitrarily silly one. How can I achieve what I'm trying to do? I'd like to avoid writing any constructor definitions ...
[4 replies] Last: @ne555 Better answer than mine. (by Thumper)
How are 3D graphics made?
I was wondering if someone can tell me what the term would be for the creation of a 3D model on a 2d screen. For example how to write a program that will spin a...
[6 replies] Last: Once again I have to turn to this awesome OpenGL tutorial. He explai... (by htirwin)
memory transfer using SSE
Hi guys I have a custom image copy system that i am working on that is multithreaded. As such, I dont think i dare use memcpy. I would like to try SSE to ...
[6 replies] Last: have several threads doing the same bit transfer and im guessing tha... (by Cubbi)
help with recursions
Hey, currently im studying c++ and im stuck on recursions, does someone have a great explanation of how this works, how would it work and what would it be used ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, this helped alot! (by asantos1031)
by J4ke
OpenGL VBOs - Not rendering
Hello, I am creating a project that I am using Vertex Buffer Objects in OpenGL to store vertices in my video card's memory. For some reason, however, the verti...
[4 replies] Last: @htirwin Thank you! I left out glBufferSubData, and it worked. As for... (by J4ke)
using recursion for factorial function
Hey, im new to the forum and c++ over all, i have been studying for about 2 months and currently im making a calculator with a bunch of different functions(begi...
[2 replies] Last: And where would the returns be saved, once it returns the first number... (by asantos1031)
Getting handle on edit control of selected window
HWND spamWindow = GetFocus(); if(spamWindow == NULL) return FALSE; //Get the handle of the Notepad window's edit control...
[no replies]
I don't understand the error
Hello, I have a code but I can't compile and I get an error like this: (for line 5) error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type void generate(...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you very much Andy! (by gelatine)
passing values to functions.
Hello, I am trying to get some confirmation about how to pass to functions. If you want to assign default values to certain parameters, and have others defined ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again спасибо (by melvyndrag)
by Finn25
I can't seem to do this. How to do this? Need Help Quick!? Task: Numbers game Two players A and B have created two files "data1.txt" and "data2.txt", each ...
[2 replies] Last: show us the code you have so far. (by Hertz)
robust corner detection
Hey guys I am trying to find a good way to implement a good corner detection function. below is my code cvtColor(image,grayscale,CV_BGR2GRAY); //go...
[no replies]
passing extra parameter to operator function
Hello I have a class and I would like to be able to pass an extra parameter to the function that is executed. BigInt operator / (BigInt N,BigInt D) { ......
[2 replies] Last: Okay thanks for the answer. (by gelatine)
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