General C++ Programming - July 2013 (Page 26)

by TTT
Hi all, I have problem while sending HTTP request with header by boost::asio, if somebody has done it before please give some exeample. When I send this request...
[2 replies] Last: Yes you're right, but at first I wrote http than I've changed to http... (by TTT)
by aj3423
simple regex doesn't match
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <regex> using namespace std; int main() { string str = ".method public native testIntFromCarson()I"; r...
[5 replies] Last: why the current implementation just quietly fails in some instances ... (by Cubbi)
Is this proper programming?
here is my simple calculator. #include <iostream> /// my includes #include <string> using namespace std; int fnum,snum,answer; char operation; /// Vari...
[11 replies] Last: cool i was just guess/wondering that you knew. (by CrazyKane)
A simple question
Helloeveryone, I don't understand an exercise in my book. What he want me to do? 4. Write a function that takes two input arguments and provides two s...
[11 replies] Last: @Captain It is not a problem Captain. @Peter87 Thanks. (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by sjahf7
Problem With Inheritance
I may be misunderstanding the concept of inheritance, but I'd like to shove a bunch of derived classes into a list (or array, or vector, or whatever), iterate t...
[1 reply] : You declared the list as having type parent. So it has objects of type... (by vlad from moscow)
Strange random dungeon generation wrapping
I wrote a very simple dungeon generator today. I am having a strange issue where if a room goes too high or low, it wraps to the bottom or top. I have no idea a...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, my problem is that the array is having a block of 1's filled from... (by jim hurley)
Background picture
I made a menu, and I wanted to know if there is some kind of code that oh ya I have a background picture for the game but if there is some kind of code that wil...
[1 reply] : sfml (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by sweezy
Simple C++ Question. Doesn't make any sense
Does not make any sense why this code isn't working. Here are my instructions: NOTE: in mathematics, the square root of a negative number is not real; in C...
[4 replies] Last: double length; length = sqrt(areaOfSquare); std::cout << length << ... (by TheIdeasMan)
I need a program that will....just read and youll see.
Ok, can someone tell me how to like in the menu I am making I can press the options section is there a way in options lets say contact us section is inside of t...
[2 replies] Last: Could you tell me what could to put in the options though to make the ... (by EliteGamesIndustries)
Code Problem
I have a problem with the searchzip function This is the zip code and city 60561 Darien 60544 Hinsdale 60137 Glen Ellyn 60135 Downers Grove #in...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks (by smartgurl)
error: declaration of 'operator[]' as non-function
Wow, I feel like I'm spamming these boards. Stupid GCC errors. This is my code(again!): #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #...
[2 replies] Last: being() was probably also a typo of begin() (by Zhuge)
error: expected primary-expression before ';' token
I have this code: #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <exception> #ifndef __LIST_HPP_INCLUDED #define __LIST_HPP_IN...
[2 replies] Last: You have to throw objects... you cannot throw a class name. list_not... (by Disch)
by coder1
code problem
hello, my code takes as input the number of fractions then the fractions which are either 1/4,1/2,3/4 and then it counts how many 1s there are for example: 1/...
[7 replies] Last: Glad you managed to solve it! (by MikeyBoy)
Code prob
I want to display only the zip codes but when I enter 2 I get both zip code and city, I just need help for that only. Sorry about not lining the code up I don...
[3 replies] Last: Look at the definition of your displayZip method. Can you see where... (by MikeyBoy)
Left and right bracket operators
I know how to implement the reading operators but I don't understand the ones to change values. i.e.: int operator (int i) const {return myarray ;} ...
[1 reply] : The second operator is passing back a reference to an int. This is a ... (by MikeyBoy)
Menu Help!
Here is a code I created and I need some help with the errors in it! Thanks:code #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void me...
[13 replies] Last: Look at line 155 of your code. Presumably there is an open-brace ther... (by MikeyBoy)
by Lothp
Did I code this class right?
The code below runs when compiled, but I'm not sure if theName is saved as part of the object player1 which is an object of Character. Or if every time ShowN...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, it's gonna take me awhile to look through all of this, but I'l... (by Lothp)
factorize an integer into p and q
i have the following problem to solve.... im unable even to start with an idea....can anybody help me giving an idea how to do this problem? the problem is: ...
[8 replies] Last: By the way in my opinion the assignment is stupid because j will be al... (by vlad from moscow)
Small problem in codeblocks
I want to display only the zip codes but when I enter 2 I get both zip code and city, I just need help for that only #include <iostream> #include <string> ...
[no replies]
Hello World Issues. I R humbled N00b.
Greetings, friends. Here's my issue. I've been having trouble getting the Hello World to launch and stay open. The console seems to close and I'm encounteri...
[6 replies] Last: > std::cin get() ; > If I'm using the std namespace then why does it m... (by JLBorges)
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