General C++ Programming - July 2013 (Page 2)

Vector comparison out of range
I'm making a simple game and I'm having trouble creating boundaries for the players movements. The map is a 2D vector. When I compare the vector with the player...
[1 reply] : I don't see anything in movePlayer that attempts to keep the player wi... (by cire)
referencing in the loop
My problem is as following. I have an 2 arrays named: abee1 , abee2. I have loop that want to call them one by one and print data of an them in each step. It me...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Zhuge. But it is not my original program. I used print inste... (by mosahab)
by younes
Remove a character from a text file
Hi, I'd like to remove the character % from a text file using c++ Thanks Younes
[8 replies] Last: I tried this code but it doen't work. I use another descriptor rather... (by younes)
acos() bug
Had a very very very annoying bug today. acos() somewhere inside ancient code returned a sort of NONE, and the int that was assigned NONE has propagated this b...
[6 replies] Last: Software that summarily quits because of (from the user's point of vie... (by Duthomhas)
by Niven
MD2 Loader problems
I've created a function for loading MD2 files, along with an accompanying class,that works almost perfectly. The one problem I have has to do with displaying th...
[2 replies] Last: I know that it's probably annoying since this is my second, and last, ... (by Niven)
For Loop help please
Hello I'm suppose to write a program using (for loop) that asks the user to enter any amount of numbers, so that it can display the smallest and largest. My pro...
[4 replies] Last: ok I see. I didn't know about limits, but now I do. Thank you for help... (by AndrewC)
Is c++ still in heavy use today? (1,2)
Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask, is c++ still used in many things today? I've read from alot of websites that its like the 6th most used programming language...
[32 replies] Last: Concerning my code? My code is your code. Though, I've not heard of an... (by BHX)
No data conversion possible ?
struct BigIntP { private: BigInt numer; BigInt denom; public: ... operator BigInt() { return numer/denom; } void BigIntP::operator = (BigInt a) { numer...
[4 replies] Last: In this line BigIntP c=a; a copy constructor is used. You did not sh... (by vlad from moscow)
Export and Sort in Excel
Ok, this is a bit complicated. Essentially what I'm doing is creating a program that can pull data from a website, modify it, and export it to excel (as a csv)....
[no replies]
question about pointers
Hello, I realized that I actually never use pointers in my codes. Now I was wondering is that something bad? Or do pointers just make the code more efficient? ...
[6 replies] Last: pointers are awesome! very usefull for getting rid of exceptional situ... (by TinyTeeTree)
by BasV
Custom deletion vs 'scope deletion'
Hi, Sorry for the vague title, but I couldn't think of better terms. I was wondering; is there a specific difference between these two deletions: { ...
[10 replies] Last: I will look into the possibility of the new and delete operators causi... (by BasV)
by kevv2
Inheritance and Array question
Hello, i am making a small project with a group of people, we taught of storing the Spells (each one is different but all inherit from Spells) in a map std::...
[2 replies] Last: exactly what i was looking for, thanks (by kevv2)
by Hertz
Return an Array in a Function
Hi guys, Im making a function that finds the sum of two fractions(fractions are arrays of 2 elements). how would I return an array? int addFrac(int f1 ...
[2 replies] Last: A C-style array cannot be returned from a function. it can only be mod... (by Cubbi)
by xign
Guys can you Help me make my program into a Loop.. please :)
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { clrscr(); char name ; float exam,q1,q2,q3,ass,sw,att,cs,term,ave;") printf("Name:\t"); gets(name); printf(...
[7 replies] Last: so if i use the "do" will it look like this? int main { char again =... (by xign)
Unexpected expression compiler error
My compiler (GCC) keeps expecting an expression where it shouldn't in 1 specific piece of my code: int zxcNewWindow( HWND parent, TCHAR *text, zxWINDOW *kid, ...
[8 replies] Last: It seems the compiler did not *kid = zxDefWINDOW; I found this out a... (by awsdert)
Setting up SFML on Mac in Xcode
I'm trying to get SFML on my mac in Xcode but the instructions on the website... I can't understand where to got to put the files so if anyone can screen shot w...
[no replies]
help in making a schedule
hello everyone.this is my first post.hope i can learn and help others out though i am a newbie.:) i want to code a scheduler/diary of sorts to keep track of...
[3 replies] Last: no problem (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Using same socket for second send + recv giving no result?
when I want to use the same socket connected to the host to send() and recv() for the second time, recv() will return 0 without anything in buffer basically ...
[4 replies] Last: someone? I now have issues with sockets instead of HTTP requests (by mekkatorqu)
How to sort integer array[n][m]
What exactly I want is as follow. I want to sort an array like Myarray based on the second column while other correspondent rows exchange consequently. ...
[7 replies] Last: > 1- if I want to copy the sorted data of my_vector into my_array agai... (by JLBorges)
Seein program execution step by step?
Where can I see my program execution step by step? I want to see the changes every line of code do, line by line.
[4 replies] Last: Thank you a lot. (by mosahab)
July 2013 Pages: 1234... 34
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