General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 28)

How can I make Ms VS 2010 solution updates file extensions without excluding and re-including files
I was using Ms VS 2008, and I used to create a project called "new project" and include all cpp files I wish to run that e.g. I downloaded from internet, whenev...
[no replies]
C++ class variable access (1,2)
Hey all, I have made a class to store a tile-based map for a game. Every time i try to access a variable or element from inside a class, it gives me a wierd ...
[27 replies] Last: lol think you got my mind ticking the right way, i think i may of fix... (by SuperStinger)
function scope
Hi. what is the scope of a function. can you please include an example. Thanks for your help. Thanks for your example. so the scope of the function is its defin...
[2 replies] Last: There is no exact definition of the function scope in the C++ Standard... (by vlad from moscow)
by Yung
Having a image interface
For a summer project I have been thinking of making a text based game using c++. However, with just black and white command prompt I think it's going to be bori...
[3 replies] Last: To draw pictures on the screen, you have to ask the OS nicely to do i... (by Moschops)
by woohoo
[Sockets] WSAAsyncSelect vs Separate thread?
I heard over some other coding forums that it would be best to have a separate thread when reading constant data (screaming) is this true or is there a better m...
[4 replies] Last: I have found async sockets to be a royal pain and you're forced to de... (by bartoli)
confused about atoi getting the wrong value
so i have a char array p =[ 1,2,+] when i store those values using the atoi i get all the right values but the 1st one for example int s; s=atoi(&p ...
[5 replies] Last: In your original post did you mean so i have a char array p =[ 1,2,... (by doug4)
by qingze
My program can compile but doesn't run at all, need help
I am a green hand on C++ and I write a program for calculation. It can compile but doesn't run at all, any suggestions or ideas to solve will be appreciated! ...
[4 replies] Last: If you create them using new , they are made on the heap. (by Moschops)
Why is gets() dangerous?
Can somebody show by example how gets is dangerous?
[2 replies] Last: Ok. Now I get it. (by johnwestman)
by Owain
Joing with another program? (1,2)
Hello. Is there any way that I can write a program that can join itself onto another program file, so when the target program file is run, both itself and my pr...
[20 replies] Last: Okay, well, I have plenty of topics to research now thankyou everyone!... (by Owain)
Different files
How do you get a file (get("text.txt")), but the file isn't defined in the programme but rather by user input. Example: get(x) //doesn't work for me.x is a st...
[1 reply] : You can fetch input from a user to populate a string. string x; cin >... (by Moschops)
Where to get function definitions of standard libraries?
i want the definitions of functions that we just use by including their header files. Like strcmp() gets() etc...
[5 replies] Last: thanks JLBorges. I did find source codes of many functions. (by johnwestman)
by qingze
about matrix
Dear all, if I define a matrix like double arrayP ; . should I access it like for ( i = 0; i<= N-1; i++) { for(j = 0; j<= M-1; j++) { ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! (by qingze)
by CMarco
Strings into vetcor
Hello, I'm trying to store strings into one vector, and I'm thinking in do in this form: std::vector<string> hold; std::string srctmp = ttmsg->getSourc...
[13 replies] Last: Hi again, thanks you all for the help it was really important for m... (by CMarco)
by EirikO
Link fortran, c++ and a library
I have a C++ module that I have build as a library (myLib.a) and use this module from another C++-program. So far, so good. Now, I whant to use this module f...
[2 replies] Last: I'm using Debian Linux here. fwrapper.f: program wrapper_f ... (by kbw)
by cniper
quadratic equation using function
i m supposed to write a program to solve a quadratic equation. output should look like as follows: coefficients a1=1,b=2,c=5,yield s1=-1+2i and s2=-1-2i this is...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, jeeze, I haven't seen a quadratic equation since high school. Just... (by newbieg)
How to preform affine transformation in c++?
Hello I've been looking around for a way to give the illusion of 3D graphics without actually having 3d graphics I've sat down and came out with an idea but for...
[3 replies] Last: Why? Anyway, maybe I could help you, but I'm not sure what you really... (by Abramus)
by smk702
Problem with matrices and double pointers
I have a program I wrote for class that is supposed to just create matrices and overload operators for them, but I keep getting a strange error I haven't seen b...
[1 reply] : You forgot to implement matrixType(int rowSize=10, int columnSize=10)... (by Abramus)
by stbb24
Efficient code implementation
I have this code to print the array below. The array comes from another array size 8x8 initialise with random numbers. 12 5 6 34 10 45 5 23 20 89 76 5 ...
[9 replies] Last: I was not moaning. I was simply saying that the "tricks" you presented... (by Abramus)
help with transfering from _getch() to string
so i have this.. and im trying to basically get a character from the user, 1 at a time and input it to a string. i am doing it this way so that the user still h...
[6 replies] Last: What didn't work? (by kbw)
Combine CHARs into a CHAR array
How would I go about combining two or more individual characters into a character array? ex. char x = d; char y = f; char xy ; xy = x + y; cout << xy << endl...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! (by Erasermaster)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2627282930
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