General C++ Programming - July 2012 (Page 24)

Inside C++
Hello all, for a long while i had used assembler and some C++ and had some questions. When classes are made like: myClass class; Is this class create...
[1 reply] : Global variables are stored in a static region of memory. They take u... (by Telion)
question on multiple inputs
How can you use multiple inputs? For example, Iam doing a simple q and a game. I want to do a hint and answer, so that one could type either and get the prope...
[3 replies] Last: If some late nighter can help, I'm up (by LovestoCpp)
Concantenation Help?
So, I'm trying to complete some beginner challenges. And I have hit a problem. Here it is.. both = name + " has eaten " + pancakes + " pancakes"; ...
[5 replies] Last: You need to convert your "int" to a string or c-string as there is no ... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
Help installing GLUT, Please help!
[no replies]
initializing a const struct of months
I am finishing a date class with validity checking for a C++ class. Class has covered structs, classes, and templates, but not any STL subjects. I would like t...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, SGH. I'm going to call this one 'solved'. ER (by erandall)
[ACM] 3625 Rounders
I just finished 3625 Rounders problem I got run time error issue. I have no idea where do i fix for this issue(run time error) but my code perfectl...
[1 reply] : //line 59 if( (jegop(10,num) % i)== 0 && (jegop(10,num)... (by ne555)
Convertion in c++
How can I convert floating point to fraction value in c++ ? ie.input is 1.5 output is 3/2. please help me.
[5 replies] Last: until you reach an integer Until you reach something close enough to... (by Moschops)
by GulHK
Reading file data and manipulating it
Hello All Could anyone please help me with solving the problem below? File Data format A,A A,B C,E C,F And so on ... it could be up to any alphabet. ...
[1 reply] : Could you please explain again (by Script Coder)
ACM time limit
sometimes i saw acm time solved as 0.000 seconds how this possible? ps: and how people post "code" in nice format?(looks just like as Xcode code)
[1 reply] : What is ACM time? and use code tags, when you are posting, look for th... (by Script Coder)
Palindrome program using stacks and queues
Palindrome is a string that reads the same forward and backwards, disregarding punctuation and the distinction between uppercase and lowercase. Input should ...
[1 reply] : Are you expecting someone to code this for you??? (by Script Coder)
difficulties in playing a beep in my MFC application
Hi guys i am making a radar simulator, i have made radar-specific interface in openGL and then embedded it in MFC application for nicer look and user-friendly c...
[1 reply] : Give the beep function a thread of its own to run in. (by Moschops)
Pancake Sort
I understand the basic algorithm, but apparently there is a faster one, that is the one I do not understand.
[2 replies] Last: this is the site that sparked the question: (by Script Coder)
x86 modrm byte parameters displacement errors?
I'm making an emulator, but somehow the modr/m byte won't work correctly. As far as I've noticed, the following applies: - A MODR/M byte is always presen...
[no replies]
(ACM)3600 root of the problem
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int jegop(int a, int b) { int i,c; c=a; for( i = 0 ; i < b - 1 ; i++ ...
[1 reply] : Your code #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; ... (by ne555)
pipe() and fork() not standard?
I am not able to use pipe() and fork() on windows. Aren't functions like pipe() and fork() part of Standard C/C++ library? What's a good library that'll allo...
[9 replies] Last: Windows is a different OS, and it does not fork (). (Sometimes it can... (by Duthomhas)
splitting for loop into separate threads to increase CPU usage
Hello, in particular my task is to accelerate saving an AVI file with OpenCV. Inside the for loop each pixel of the current frame is altered and then put int...
[2 replies] Last: I've tried OpenMP already and I got a message that told me that some t... (by dudewhatsup)
Math expression evaluator
While debugging in Visual C++, I really like the watch windows. Whenever I enter a variable or an expression on the left side, it shows its value on the right s...
[4 replies] Last: I made my own program with help from some books from the library. It's... (by eklavya sharma 2)
Makro in Pascal
Hi, I need to Runexport from DB to specific file im my network, no problem. When i search there is more than one post, so I get a list and export all searchhi...
[3 replies] Last: Perhaps you ought to spend some time learning Delphi before you contin... (by Duthomhas)
Plane from 3 Points
I've got two classes: class vector3d{ double x; double y; double z; }; class plane{ double d; //defined with normal Vector; vector3d normal; }; ...
[13 replies] Last: I call it `normal' because it's perpendicular to the other two. ¿whi... (by ne555)
by viliml
classes vs structs (1,2)
What is the difference between classes and structs (except of course the acces level), and is there any? Are they the same except classes are implicitly private...
[24 replies] Last: Disch got it (by ResidentBiscuit)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 30
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