by MS35
Additional C++ Help
[5 replies] Last: Thank you guys! I have an idea on what to do, thanks for the hints. I ... (by MS35)
by ynor123
Read file from second line
[1 reply] : >> leaves the trailing newline that the following getline() obtains as... (by seeplus)
by frek
Move constructor/assignment operator
[4 replies] Last: the move constrcutor is not called! Yes, this is commonly known as "c... (by coder777)
by frek
Smart pointers proper usage in a simple program
[6 replies] Last: > Which one should I use for this project and why You should not be u... (by JLBorges)
by PeteDD
Constructing class objects using names from an array
[7 replies] Last: Blindly ignoring the costs of a.) writing code that does nothing; and... (by mbozzi)
by mpg
g++ codice.cpp -L dependencies \lib -lpq -o codice
[1 reply] : What does ls print? ..or dir, if vanilla Windows (by Ganado)
by Ocko91
Mega milions
[4 replies] Last: You've misunderstood the question. He wants to simulate playing the sa... (by dutch)
by Fresh Coder
IF Statement
[1 reply] : and what part of this requirement don't you understand/am having diffi... (by seeplus)
by frek
std::string or std::string_view
[7 replies] Last: > So for anything that's using an std::string_view we must pay enough ... (by JLBorges)
by gwbots
Steam Proton (Linux) and Reverse Engineering Question (General + Noobish)
[1 reply] : you can just try it but it may not work at all, depending on what it d... (by jonnin)
by fjl
Parametric Polymorphism and References
[3 replies] Last: > Do you, perchance, have chapter and verse on it? The gory details a... (by JLBorges)
by frek
Range-based for on std::vector
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your answer. (by frek)
by frek
Copy assignment definition for a user-defined type
[7 replies] Last: > if we defined the operator the following way what would be the probl... (by JLBorges)
by frek
Code review
[16 replies] Last: Guys, the issue about that if statement is arguably easy! My bad! ln-... (by frek)
by JamieAl
Printf '%e' expects type 'double' but argument 2 has type 'double *'
[3 replies] Last: The fftw_complex type holds a complex number as a 2-element array of d... (by dutch)
by jpweldon
Conversion from COMPREAL to REAL and float
[2 replies] Last: the pointer ones may actually break something. The first one is about... (by jonnin)
by de555
How do I get rid of , —, and other mystery characters?
[4 replies] Last:  UTF-8 bytes: EF BB BF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE Hex code po... (by dutch)
by PacR
Change fast inverse square root to regular square root?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you jonnin. I used approximations that depend on the floating po... (by PacR)
by mecacool
How to draw 3d polygon maps without an editor?
[1 reply] : most engines import 3-d objects from an editor program; these are a lo... (by jonnin)