General C++ Programming - January 2020 (Page 4)

CppCast: Conference Organizing
Rob and Jason are joined by Phil Nash, Adi Shavit and Fred Tingaud. They talk with the three meetup and conference organizers about their motivations for launch...
[1 reply] : Another post, another opportunity for that clown who reports these pos... (by Repeater)
by eladb
MFC project
hello guys , i just start to bulid my first MFC project. i wondring if this is the right place for this subject. my gool is to create some GUI application ...
[3 replies] Last: From what I recall radio buttons can be queried to see if they are tru... (by jonnin)
by ravss2
Creating a hashtable from File Contents(Unknown Size)
I would like to create a hash table by reading the number of entries from a file, file size may be in KB’s or MB’s or even GB’s, For example: My File has ...
[8 replies] Last: its not technically wrong. But you are most likely making more troubl... (by jonnin)
Reverse Diagnal of matrices
Write a C++ program that inputs a square matrix and reverse the contents of its diagonal values. Example {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16} output...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <valarray> #include <algorithm> #include... (by lastchance)
Weird Error List using VS2019
Have tried to compile several C++ apps downloaded from Github and they all compile with numerous errors all referring to external dependencies. So that got me t...
[1 reply] : '10.0.16299' is most likely the windows sdk version. It seems rather o... (by coder777)
by SemC
Add search functionality to your program according to the user inputs. Use switch-case to deal with different user inputs
Having trouble with searching in my program. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iomanip> using name...
[1 reply] : use code tags (by dutch)
check if my program is correct
i should write a program to find the median of two sorted arrays is it correct? #include <iostream> using namespace std; double median (int array1 , int ...
[2 replies] Last: But what does it mean to find the "median of two arrays"? One after th... (by dutch)
Pacman With Classes practice
Hey first post here so let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I wanted to practice classes with a fun game aspect (shit pacman) but for some reason I can't ...
[8 replies] Last: @jonnin It works! Thanks for looking it over. I hadn't displayed the ... (by Doraonroids)
CppCast: Clang Hacking
Rob and Jason are joined by Saar Raz. They first discuss blog posts covering a new project management tool for C++ and another about improving Clang support for...
[no replies]
Splititing a string into multiple lines with each line having at most N non-space characters
Bessie the cow is working on an essay for her writing class. Since her handwriting is quite bad, she decides to type the essay using a word processor. The ess...
[13 replies] Last: line 12: Since you are reading in the value of N you have to create a ... (by againtry)
C++ 2020 News
Rob and Jason discuss C++ news and the new year after the Holiday season: - The Merger of MISRA C++ and AUTOSAR C++ - Python Interpreter in GNU Debugger - ...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, got it :) (by julie2019)
How to count non-space characters in C++ and to split a string into multiple stings on the space. split a?
Does anyone know how to count the non-space characters in a C++ string? Also, does anyone know how to make a C++ function that will split my string into multipl...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! (by BBrandon)
by DMX
inheritance and polymorphism
Hello, I have a general question about inheritance and polymorphism. To start right away, here is my minimal working example: #include <iostream> using s...
[2 replies] Last: Hi DMX, The way you're asking these questions makes me think that you... (by Aaron Vienneau)
by Hanske
Saving and loading objects from classes in C++
I would like to save objects from a parent class in a text file and then be able to load the objects. The problem is that all the objects are pointers so only t...
[8 replies] Last: The problem is that all the objects are pointers so only the addresse... (by againtry)
Most inputted number wins
I want to make a program, which takes multiple inputs and counts the quantity of ones,twos,... I have this code: #include <iostream> using namespace std...
[2 replies] Last: Variable names are important; try to make them meaningful. You have on... (by Ganado)
BSP level rendering
Hi, don't think that I'm insane but I'm in love with the glorious 1996 quake first person shooter. I'm trying to write a program in C that loads a classic quake...
[2 replies] Last: It might help if you provide an example BSP file for someone to look a... (by Ganado)
Sum of an int with calculation output
Hi. I want to make a program, that sums all the digits of a certain number. The output should not be just the result. I also want to show, what the computer has...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int sumDi... (by lastchance)
by ema897
given: class Component { public: Component(); virtual ~Component(); void logicFunction(); void setInputs( Component &); char getOutput(...
[5 replies] Last: done. Thank you very much. (by ema897)
for some reason the code is just ending instantly
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void en...
[3 replies] Last: You use both std::strings and C-style arrays. That isn’t a problem, ... (by Enoizat)
declare initialize vector inside struct/class
how declare initialize vector inside struct/class struct Data { int m=9; vector<int> mydata(m); } gcc comes with error: ‘m’ is not a type | ve...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds like the mydata is a member variable and that you want it to ha... (by keskiverto)
January 2020 Pages: 123456... 9
  Archived months: [dec2019] [feb2020]

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