by julie2019
CppCast: Conference Organizing
[1 reply] : Another post, another opportunity for that clown who reports these pos... (by Repeater)
by eladb
MFC project
[3 replies] Last: From what I recall radio buttons can be queried to see if they are tru... (by jonnin)
by ravss2
Creating a hashtable from File Contents(Unknown Size)
[8 replies] Last: its not technically wrong. But you are most likely making more troubl... (by jonnin)
by HS05669
Reverse Diagnal of matrices
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <valarray> #include <algorithm> #include... (by lastchance)
by CodeGetter
Weird Error List using VS2019
[1 reply] : '10.0.16299' is most likely the windows sdk version. It seems rather o... (by coder777)
by SemC
Add search functionality to your program according to the user inputs. Use switch-case to deal with different user inputs
[1 reply] : use code tags (by dutch)
check if my program is correct |
[2 replies] Last: But what does it mean to find the "median of two arrays"? One after th... (by dutch)
by Doraonroids
Pacman With Classes practice
[8 replies] Last: @jonnin It works! Thanks for looking it over. I hadn't displayed the ... (by Doraonroids)
by julie2019
CppCast: Clang Hacking
[no replies]
by BBrandon
Splititing a string into multiple lines with each line having at most N non-space characters
[13 replies] Last: line 12: Since you are reading in the value of N you have to create a ... (by againtry)
by julie2019
C++ 2020 News
[5 replies] Last: Ok, got it :) (by julie2019)
by BBrandon
How to count non-space characters in C++ and to split a string into multiple stings on the space. split a?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! (by BBrandon)
by DMX
inheritance and polymorphism
[2 replies] Last: Hi DMX, The way you're asking these questions makes me think that you... (by Aaron Vienneau)
by Hanske
Saving and loading objects from classes in C++
[8 replies] Last: The problem is that all the objects are pointers so only the addresse... (by againtry)
by yabi2943993
Most inputted number wins
[2 replies] Last: Variable names are important; try to make them meaningful. You have on... (by Ganado)
by fewdiefie
BSP level rendering
[2 replies] Last: It might help if you provide an example BSP file for someone to look a... (by Ganado)
by yabi2943993
Sum of an int with calculation output
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int sumDi... (by lastchance)
by ema897
[5 replies] Last: done. Thank you very much. (by ema897)
by james999
for some reason the code is just ending instantly
[3 replies] Last: You use both std::strings and C-style arrays. That isn’t a problem, ... (by Enoizat)
by marhuum
declare initialize vector inside struct/class
[2 replies] Last: Sounds like the mydata is a member variable and that you want it to ha... (by keskiverto)