by dontWorry66
how can i compare vector of vector and then push back?
[3 replies] Last: Are you aware that vector<vector<int>> is like a 2 dimensional array, ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by angelaHmc
Why can't we directly delete top when pop variable out of top of stack?
[2 replies] Last: After you've deleted top, the memory top is pointing to is not owned b... (by Jun Zhang2)
by vxr
Key press event in game
[3 replies] Last: Any help is appreciated. Happy new year, by the way! (by vxr)
by Seamon17
Reading content of pipe seperated string
[4 replies] Last: Rather depends what your data is between the pipes. #include <iostre... (by lastchance)
by sailfish009
rename std::list::iterator
[2 replies] Last: Letting the compiler deduce the type of the iterator leads to mode rea... (by JLBorges)
by Leroy1981
First ever FPS game with plugins
[2 replies] Last: Plan on including a build system (e.g. make) or project file so we wou... (by Ganado)
by anjoazul
Do I need to declare init function in header file?
[2 replies] Last: Thank u very much cire!!! (by anjoazul)
Debug assertion error with C++
[11 replies] Last: I know what you mean I read some more on the STL and went on the Geeks... (by MBANS7A1)
by macielcr7
dahua sdk export jpg realtime c++
[no replies]
by shekharsahoo
smart pointer containing class type
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. It was a silly mistake from my side for which my functor was g... (by shekharsahoo)
by Elize
Best way to find unique combinations of different objects
[2 replies] Last: I don't think that giving advice like that is useful for such an abstr... (by Duthomhas)
by lamx
Binary tree construct
[5 replies] Last: OK... I GOT IT THANKS FOR HELPING i should write it in the same langa... (by lamx)
by ardaser
Why My Program Always Crashing On Else ?
[1 reply] : It seems there are missing braces { } around the statements to be cont... (by Chervil)