by retroCheck
Preventing memory leaks
[7 replies] Last: ok got it, Thanks again! (by retroCheck)
(almost solved) Constructors/Destructors Student enroling Program (1,2) |
[23 replies] Last: The content of course::getEnrollYN() is wrong. Remember that a = 0... (by coder777)
by antonio17
transfer info from one file to another
[9 replies] Last: Ah, it is just a common for loop with slightly different C++11 syntax.... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Kubani
Problem with Sleep() when drawing an analog clock
[5 replies] Last: I don't understand what you mean! (by Kubani)
by rachitsaxena
need help with array
[no replies]
by taguroFTW
Dumbass calculator using pointer doesn't work
[7 replies] Last: Is this a homework assignment? If so, then please re-read the assignme... (by dhayden)
by Nezar
Effective C++
[3 replies] Last: Objects of the same class can access each others private data, conside... (by tipaye)
by Irhcsa
Can someone simpilfy this
[1 reply] : It's not really complex enough to start worrying about cleaning up the... (by Lachlan Easton)
by grndnatllvr
The resistor program problem
[3 replies] Last: Reading the ResistorClass code, it seems that tolerance is the toleran... (by dhayden)
by Jaydelay
[1 reply] : int tmp_values ; memcpy(tmp_values, values_case1, SIZE * sizeof(int)... (by Konstantin2)
by yangxh
Why would I encounter "Undefined symbols" after using friend function?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys, I know the reason now (by yangxh)
by NickCullen
Part 1 of Template Data-structure Tutorial (Part2 Available)
[5 replies] Last: Hmm that does sound interesting yet quite complex! I'm a game programm... (by NickCullen)
by tmason
LINUX/UNIX c++ equivalent of chdir()?
[1 reply] : So I answered my own questions: The chdir question: http://linux.die.... (by tmason)
Detecting errors at run time |
[no replies]
by fafner
No viable overloaded '='
[3 replies] Last: OK, thanks :) (by fafner)
by kumini02
multi level grep expression
[no replies]
by retroCheck
multimap alphabetically ordering with char*
[2 replies] Last: Got it. Did as you said and everything working. Thanks. (by retroCheck)
by Aenn
Very annoying "can not build" errors plus one other error.
[3 replies] Last: This code here seems to work fine: (by kevinkjt2000)
by Kubani
Problem when using a protected function
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much :) (by Kubani)
rand() not working properly? |
[1 reply] : I recommend you turn up the warning level on your compiler. When I com... (by Peter87)