General C++ Programming - January 2013 (Page 33)

Integer Max
Working on a Project Euler problem and the question asks for the largest prime number that is a factor of 600851475143. As you can see, this is significantly la...
[4 replies] Last: sizeof (__int64) = sizeof (long long int) = 8 using MinGW X86, so it w... (by modoran)
reciprocal of user inputted number
I've been working on this program and I have it all pretty much down, but I just need one thing that I can't, for the life of me, think of! I need to find the ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> main() { double usernum,reciprocal; std::cout<... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
SDL object moves too fast
hello, I am currently making pong using visual C++ with the SDL libary. I find that the ball moves too fast for the players and needs to slow down. The co...
[8 replies] Last: done it float randomNumber = min + (float)rand()/((float)RAND_MAX/(m... (by closed account 96AX92yv)
Anyone help me out with libcurl please (Not linking Errors)
Am trying to login to my facebook and post somthing on my wall. When i check for error with curl_easy_strerror() i dont get any when runing recuests. Can s...
[9 replies] Last: Ok i dont know how i whould reverse enginere a mobile app. What i mean... (by WetCode)
Linker Errors
Why does the linker always seem to stall any attempt at progress at every possible moment! I have an extern Three-dimensional array and I (after review of cours...
[6 replies] Last: Alright that makes sense, however how would I go about the problem of... (by cire)
Can not find why this is wrong coding. (1,2)
My file reads in part like this: ----------------------------------------------------------- /* Main.c for PC side of control fed to * AVR by UART/ RS232 ...
[24 replies] Last: You're welcome :) (by MikeyBoy)
Creating a "Composite" Vector Array Field
In a numerically intensive code, I have a Cartesian vector class Vector3d which has the normal operator overloading and basic functions such as dot product, m...
[1 reply] : If you're array is big enough to eat a lot of RAM on it's own I would ... (by awsdert)
by neon32
im using turbo c++ 4.5 and turbo c++3.0 i used #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); textcolor(4); cprintf("Helllo world"...
[1 reply] : I don't know Turbo C++, so take this with a pinch of salt, but: Presu... (by MikeyBoy)
Cube-Mesh Collision Detection
I'm making a program that converts a 3D model into a voxel model. Most of the programming is done, but when I test an area (cube) for polygon mesh, at the momen...
[1 reply] : bump (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
doesn't work
Hey, i'm working on a project for school. I don't know what to do with this error: 'Debug Assertion Failed! Program File: F:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\...
[5 replies] Last: ok, i just ran it... and it also tells me this debug assertion at lin ... (by ljs)
why won't this work
in regard this post: i tried to do this: #include <string.h> void reverse(char s ) { for...
[8 replies] Last: That works, but it's obfuscated and slow, compared to the example link... (by Cubbi)
by nik96
Factiorial with function
i need help to calculate the factorial with function The program should then calculate the factorial of the number n, where n!= n×(n −1)...× 2×1 th...
[7 replies] Last: @nik96 What is the full code? It is your task to write the full... (by vlad from moscow)
Advance C++
I am currently a college student and at my college I took three semesters of C++ Programming and had used Starting Out with C++: Early Objects (7th Edition) by ...
[6 replies] Last: Nice Discussion about Advance C++ (by Nickiope)
8042 Controller emulation unsupported functions?
I'm making an x86 emulator (currently up to 80186). I'm currently working on the 8042 Controller (keyboard only). Is it OK to give an 0xFE error (unsupported co...
[no replies]
Help - Dynamic Allocation from array (1,2)
Hello, I need to write 2 functions: 1. MyMalloc 2. MyFree ____________________________ I have a 1000 bytes global array (which did not dynamic allo...
[26 replies] Last: My functions are working pretty good. MyMalloc checks that an allocati... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
How to check and allocate memory from given adress range
Hi,below is my problem 3. A special hardware unit with some storage in it is connected to your computer and is memory-mapped so that its storage is accessibl...
[4 replies] Last: @modoran nope this is a asssignment problem. @tvrameshmc- Il try it a... (by rukshan)
Building a Find and Replace function for text editor
Hello, I'm building a find and replace function for my text editor and I need a little help. I'm building the function without help from the algorithm heade...
[1 reply] : This is what I came up with just need to know how to delete characters... (by Jimmy Rose)
by bolt
My linked list won't take big numbers.
My program is almost done all that is left is entering big numbers, the program can add and subtract small numbers but not big numbers because it puts them all ...
[11 replies] Last: You are reading number as string. So trim the left side 0's from the s... (by tvrameshmc)
about compiler (1,2)
can any body tell about a good compiler for windows 7 except vusial studio..??
[20 replies] Last: > Also GCC supports many C++11 features that VS does not support yet. ... (by JLBorges)
Finding HeapLayers tutorial
I've been searching for a while and haven't been able to find any tutorials to help with learning the HeapLayers Library for Memory heap management. If anyone c...
[no replies]
January 2013 Pages: 1... 313233343536
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