General C++ Programming - January 2013 (Page 25)

Interpreting a string using boost::regex
Hi everyone. Awasome forum ... How could I make the following code more general and more powerful? It is thought for interpreting a string of char's contain...
[no replies]
Depth First Search - Won't compile
Hi, I've been trying to implement this Depth First Search graph algorithm using STL, and I get some error from Visual C++ 2012 at compilation. The code is: ...
[1 reply] : Never mind. Found the problem. Sorry for the post. It was the extra br... (by jumper007)
How to install a high precision arithmetic library?
One of my programs I recently created, needs higher precision then what doubles can provide. So I am wondering how I install a library like this http://gmplib.o...
[3 replies] Last: Why if he want to know why not (by jimobama)
by sfs0
Save class into a file
I am creating a program using the inheritance. The superclass is person and subclass is employee,manager etc. I will prompt the user to choose which subclass he...
[4 replies] Last: Finally it works. IceThatJaw and pogrady, thanks a lot=v= (by sfs0)
SFML Problem
Hi everyone! I am new the these forums, and I think I have a problem. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate edition, and SFML 2.0 RC, and when I comp...
[3 replies] Last: @cire Thank you very much! Solved my problem! (I think one of the .DLL... (by altan haan)
C++ boot from bios (VERY simple OS)
so i want the program or OS to boot from when the pc boots. Is this possible? Ive heard that windows is partially built in c++ so i assume so. I guess that i am...
[3 replies] Last: i have not heard of it so i will have a look. Thanks (by mrronoah)
truncation errors
float DX=.00050; const float DEVIATION = .00050 is there a reason why declaring these 2 errors warning C4305: 'initializing' : truncation from 'double...
[2 replies] Last: It is not errors. It is warnings. To prevent issuing these warnings yo... (by vlad from moscow)
Problem Input/Output with files
Hello guys i have a little problem, i want to make a simple Input/Output program that will print my writed line i have readed this: (
[2 replies] Last: i changed but gives me now some numebrs "112" all time... (by StefanRafa)
by Ch1156
How to reference an array
Im trying to reference my array in another function but i keep getting errors. void player::store() { int menuChoice; int amountChoice = 0; ...
[4 replies] Last: Duplicate of this? (by Stewbond)
by tmarie
Calculating greatest common divisor
Hi, I have written the following function to calculate GCD of floating point numbers, but when I run this for (111.6, 46.5), the calculation of fmod(a,b) in the...
[1 reply] : while not a recursive approach, this seems to work...not well tested t... (by Script Coder)
Error reading character of string
Hi everyone, I am trying to record some information in a file and allow user to delete a record. I am facing this message in Autos section of MVS (Error reading...
[1 reply] : Both temp and records refer to the same file in the first loop, which ... (by cire)
Delete Operator Is not working the program crash at the end
int main() { int vnum = 0; VEHICLE *vehiptr; VEHICLE *dptr; cout<<"Please enter the number of vehicle: "; cin>>vnum; vehiptr = new VEHICLE ; dptr ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks a lot (by Sarmadas)
How to solve - Efficiently
I have solved this problem: Suppose you have a row of N tomatoes, of which R are red. After each day, the unripe neighbors of each red tomato become red. Wri...
[14 replies] Last: I edited mine a bit to show it how many of the apples are riped and gr... (by closed account ETAkoG1T)
by skarla
I need someone to teach me or share me tutorial for low level hooks
[1 reply] : I am no expert, but from what I understand about hooks and hooking, is... (by Script Coder)
Project euler help
I am doing project euler problem 23 now. I don't like to cheat but it got a bit frustrating, because the code I thought would work don't give me the right answe...
[12 replies] Last: Can I add you as friend? this is mine: 11576035409494_6454364ad86a3c... (by closed account ETAkoG1T)
Dynamic array malfunction.
Dear everyone, I want to make a little music playing program that can read notes from a file. I already made this program, but I coded it without preparation a...
[6 replies] Last: I thought I removed the arr(SA) statement, but it seems I didn't... ... (by Niels Meijer)
using bgl(babylon) in c++ program
i want to use a *.bgl(babylon ) file as database in my program but i don't know how to do it? please help me.
[no replies]
by arms4
stack around variable' ' was corrupted
Hi i'm making a guessing game program and i've encountered this error of stack around variable ' ' was corrupted. I tried to replace the variable into others bu...
[1 reply] : This statement printf("%d\t",Array =0); is already invalid because ... (by vlad from moscow)
by appy96
Write and read class objects in binary file
if i have 2 variables for which values are given by the user,then,does the information get stored into the file in the name of the variable,or just like packs o...
[4 replies] Last: how to use this pointer in accssing file? (by appy96)
Birthday Reminder
I want to create something close to a birthday reminder. Is that possible with C++?(I don't think anything is impossible but i just dont know how) Is ther...
[2 replies] Last: You won't need anything. There is so many ways, and what should you ... (by MiiNiPaa)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 36
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