General C++ Programming - January 2013 (Page 19)

by Emy Y
matrix problem
So i have to write this: For a given matrix of n rows and m columns ,write an app that will show a new matrix that replaces with 0 the elements on the column wh...
[1 reply] : Your code determines the lowest sum of the columns. You need to teak y... (by Ferni)
Debugging Pro*C using DBX on AIX
Hi All, I need to debug an executable compiled and generated from C/Pro *C files on AIX 5.3 server using DBX.This executable is used to parse a file and then...
[5 replies] Last: Hi, I have found during debugging(using where command after dbx rep... (by gr8saurv)
keeping a listbox loaded during startup?
? how is it done ex. mp3player keeps songs loaded
[1 reply] : Load the list (or whatever) in the listbox ctor (by Santosh Reddy)
by xzbit
change the version info of the file
im trying to make a tool that can change the version of the file (.exe) UpdateResource(hResource, RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, S...
[1 reply] : lpBytes here is binary data. It is actually the resource content we ar... (by Ferni)
bitset member in a class
Hi, I am looking to have a member of type bitset in a C++ class. Is it possible ? Something like below: Class abc { bitset<32> var; } thanks
[4 replies] Last: Thanks. It looks good now in my project. Had not included namespace ... (by sharuvman)
how to call the array like this example?
I have some arrays of words like this char array1 = {"???","???"...} char array2 = {"???","???"...} char array3 = {"???","???"...} And i have ...
[1 reply] : The C++ language is not reflective, so you cannot use a variable to re... (by Zhuge)
Most Likely a Simple Mistake
Is there something that I'm missing here? try{ int* DynamicVertexTemp = new int[DynamicVertex.size()]; } catch(std::bad_alloc&){ ...
[7 replies] Last: I've always wondered if there is a way to try to allocate the memory j... (by Lowest0ne)
infile using Variable filename?
So. I have a CSV Parser that I built. It works very well. The way it currently works is that I have the parser in a header file "CSV_Parser". So my .cpp code wo...
[2 replies] Last: ...EDIT my mistake it seems your idea worked!! Let me test it on multi... (by karrotman)
DirectX Texturing a Quad problem
Hi I am trying to adapt a Quad class to have texture mapping rather than just vertex colour. I have tried numerous approaches but the only output is a black ...
[no replies]
We are looking for a person who can build a micro controller that runs software for a sensor platform, that has video and data capabilities.
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys.. We will redo our wish list and repost.. (by mjn9812)
Storing data as void* and dereferencing them later
I have a set of functions at work which are incredibly useful, however it only supports labels that come from a specific database because that database contains...
[2 replies] Last: Of course! I knew we couldn't template the class because that would m... (by Stewbond)
by Balrog
Fixing circular dependencies with pointers
I've been making a project that requires different files to have access to objects declared in other files such that circular dependencies are created. I've don...
[10 replies] Last: You should not include *.cpp //object_list.h #pragma once #include "... (by ne555)
Good IDE windows-8
does anyone know a good IDE for windows 8 besides VS. I don't want VS because everything is a trial version.
[7 replies] Last: If you're a student, check out microsoft dreamspark. They'll allow you... (by Thumper)
Allegro 5 jumping problem
I have just implemented jumping into my game, and for some reason is really weird. If I remove line 156, I can move left and right but I can only jump up, but ...
[2 replies] Last: Wooow... I am stupid, can't believe I didn't see that. Little things l... (by DJLad16)
[3 replies] Last: 1/4th of an inch. That is the distance you would have to move your fin... (by Thumper)
by frostI
Unresolved external symbol error
When I try to compile a program from a C book I am following I am getting these errors, I have looked for ways to resolve it but I wasn't able to. I hope to fin...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! It's working, not gonna make such a stupid mistake again XD... (by frostI)
free hardware monitoring library
does anyone know of a free hardware monitoring library, I want to make a lightweight console monitor or is my only option grabbing code from some open source HW...
[no replies]
How to have a class return an instance of it's-self.
Hi guys, I was wondering if (in C++) you can instantiate a class (class foo) then have said class return the already instantiated object. (foo::instance()...
[13 replies] Last: The global scope isn't bad. It is used in professional code all the ti... (by snow 56767)
Const static members in a template class?
Hi there, I have a little problem with template classes and their specialization. Here is a short example: template <typename T> struct A{ // some ty...
[3 replies] Last: ok, I will try these two things. Thanks :) (by ElCattivo)
Translating C++ to Ada
I am trying to translate: *ptr = (*ptr) ^ phrase ; to ada... I am having the hardest time!! Please HELP!
[2 replies] Last: It is part of a program for class (by valdora)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 36
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