by Plazmotech
How can I convert a sequence of PNGs to an MOV/AVI (has to work on Mac)
[no replies]
Pointer to pointer? |
[7 replies] Last: And why the cast there? operator new() is essentially malloc and re... (by closed account o1vk4iN6)
by cppgm
[PR] C++ Grandmaster Certification (
[2 replies] Last: But it is probably a scam. (by Oria)
by barnsta
Searching algorithm
[2 replies] Last: 1) In C, indices for an array of size N go from 0 to N-1. All your loo... (by toum)
by Skynet
Help extracting nodes from binary search tree
[no replies]
by hopesfall
map.find() efficiency
[2 replies] Last: It will be come O( log n ) + O( m ) ( map.find ) + ( search trough ... (by rmxhaha)
by Huck
Multiple condition for loop efficiency
[5 replies] Last: As you gain experience, you will learn that simple, transparent, easi... (by Disch)
by elohssa
destructor failure
[8 replies] Last: There are only a few ways I can imagine delete failing. 1) You are ... (by Disch)
alternative line |
[2 replies] Last: Maybe you searching info about this: (by MiiNiPaa)
by LB
How do C++ streams behave polymorphically?
[14 replies] Last: This is a good beginner's tutorial: (by JLBorges)
by Hucaru
Collision detection
[13 replies] Last: I have solved the issue fun2code you are right in the blocks draw func... (by Hucaru)
2dimensional array |
[1 reply] : /Sigh Please, tell the name of courses you have this assigment for. An... (by MiiNiPaa)
by arms4
function and array!?
[3 replies] Last: thx! i got it now (by arms4)
by Sarmadas
Guys a little help here please
[9 replies] Last: give me a example of code please (by Sarmadas)
by Sucho
Replacementr Of getch()
[8 replies] Last: Thanks, It worked! (by Sucho)
by barnsta
Sorting array
[5 replies] Last: You should have told that before dude. Selection sort is easier but in... (by Sucho)
by Sucho
str.length() is always giving 0
[8 replies] Last: Yup, just found out that strcmp() returns 0 when the strings are same.... (by Sucho)
by Smac89
How to class
[1 reply] : Are you sure you're not supposed to use the std::map to store your ins... (by ajh32)
by hopesfall
Accessing value of map when it's a vector
[2 replies] Last: The solution to this was posted by JLBorges in a later post - anothe... (by TheIdeasMan)
by SamuelAdams
Looking for tree string search program
[2 replies] Last: Thx, I think you put me on the right path. Will read on that more tom... (by SamuelAdams)