by julie2019
[1 reply] : I used to use WxWidgets way back when it was WxWindows, and for a few ... (by Repeater)
by Dzemolis
How to sort boy and girl names? :)
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for help! :) (by Dzemolis)
by andy101
Biguint == operator
[6 replies] Last: == should be easy and fast for most objects. is the size the same? i... (by jonnin)
by Battlekiwi
Help with vector and functions problem
[3 replies] Last: I mean a specific question at this point it seems that you didn't eit... (by ne555)
by stoneJax
Conversion Loses Qualifiers
[4 replies] Last: I think I am seeing why. The main function calls add() with a loop. So... (by stoneJax)
by aardalde
SOS Personal Encryption Algorithm Help
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; const i... (by dutch)
How does dynamic pointer allocation work? |
[6 replies] Last: @OP Probably a bit late but keep in mind that writing some code and tr... (by againtry)
by yabi2943993
Why does this not output anything?
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <vector> using namespac... (by lastchance)
How does a deep copy constructor work? |
[1 reply] : That affects the so-called rule-of-three/five/zero: https://en.cppref... (by nuderobmonkey)
by GooseGordon
Filling rational number struct
[1 reply] : getRationalNumber(); You aren't doing anything with the returned val... (by Repeater)
by sr0099
Help Reqired
[4 replies] Last: int TakeInput (void); //sets this->choice void Convert (int);... (by ne555)
by woohyeon
In c++, what is a better way in protected or setter/getter?
[6 replies] Last: tell, don't ask `base' should be responsible of its data (by ne555)
Is this a real interpreter?? |
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for your answers. (by enriquemesa8080)
by yabi2943993
Vector problem
[3 replies] Last: I did it like this, which is essentially identical to your second solu... (by dutch)
Minimum count of irregular bitmap regions before multi-threading? |
[10 replies] Last: I don't know what MAIN_WINDOW actually is. Normally you use the hand... (by coder777)