by Elandre
I Have a C++ Assignment I need help with. Please advise.
[1 reply] : duplicate post. (by jonnin)
by hoboCPP
What is wrong with the following code? (itoa function)
[3 replies] Last: Why a = itoa(300, a, 10); and not just itoa(300, a, 10); What did the ... (by Grime)
by PistolPete10
coint counter w/ function not working
[8 replies] Last: cmath and math.h are the same thing, except math.h is for C programs. ... (by jonnin)
by Mitsuru
"static" as class member and linkage
[5 replies] Last: I don't think I can give a good answer because I don't know enough abo... (by Peter87)
by theredp
Increment specific vectorelements
[2 replies] Last: Oh gosh, rookie mistake. Thank you:-) (by theredp)
by Mitsuru
Pointer to elements in STL containers
[2 replies] Last: Dear JLBorges, Thank you for your rapid and accurate reply. Today, I... (by Mitsuru)
by frek
enum class
[14 replies] Last: I set that to /std:c++latest and it worked. But should I do that for ... (by Peter87)
by jordangt
calculating e^x without using exp() function
[16 replies] Last: OK that makes a lot of sense now that you've explained it that way. Th... (by jordangt)
by mscarfo
Array of Linked Lists?
[3 replies] Last: if you write your own list, you hopefully have been following your stu... (by jonnin)
by shuthairah
"printf" did not work
[2 replies] Last: Sigh, duplicate. (by Duthomhas)
3 parameter function conversion errors. |
[1 reply] : Hi, The key() function is supposed to input in the the d() functio... (by TheIdeasMan)
by CABrouwers
Class specialization by lvalue vs. rvalue argument
[1 reply] : I found the solution! Just needed to remember that int, int& and int&&... (by CABrouwers)
by helios
Joining identical class interfaces
[6 replies] Last: Here's an idea: class AbstractSerializer{ protected: virtual voi... (by helios)
by Aleksa03
[2 replies] Last: Please note that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homewor... (by keskiverto)
by vibhu
which Data structure kernal uses for memory management.
[7 replies] Last: fine thanks once again... (by vibhu)
by parzival69
string task
[4 replies] Last: I won't do it for you either, but how about a hint or two: look at str... (by jonnin)
by pSystem
Pixel Bitmap font for OGL
[12 replies] Last: Yes, that's how state transformations work in OpenGL. It's analogous t... (by helios)
by vaderboi
cannot convert from "void" to "std::basic_string"
[4 replies] Last: The error is: "'initializing': cannot convert from 'void' to 'std::ba... (by Peter87)
by LakySimi1
How to separate functions and main file?
[6 replies] Last: i don't know 'size_t', i'm a beginner, so i prefer my rough code. S... (by jlb)
by Mitsuru
Some overhead relating to standard library
[12 replies] Last: Dear Cubbi Thank you for your detailed and kind comment. I believe c... (by Mitsuru)