by briankiprono
Divisibility by 3
[5 replies] Last: yeah could work but that will be another code to add individual values... (by briankiprono)
by ComputerG33k
Testing for a character in a string
[1 reply] : (by cire)
by brown1z1975
C++ LOOPING - Lost with homework
[2 replies] Last: it is the first class in C++ programming - everything else has been in... (by brown1z1975)
by dada6352
Tried but nothing coming up. Can you help me with this?
[1 reply] : What did you try? int i=0, a=0; // i==0 and a==0, are they not? wh... (by keskiverto)
by Thelps
Error on last value of last box of a vector<int>.
[6 replies] Last: Ganado got the right lead... :) Turned out I had specified the int th... (by Thelps)
by niktitanik
While working only when std::cout is used
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //=======... (by lastchance)
by hebrerillo
c++ efficiency subject
[14 replies] Last: > do you suggest we should rely on this and simply store the return va... (by JLBorges)
by Cp9
do-while condition problem
[3 replies] Last: The value of showType doesn't change. Exactly. That is the problem. ... (by keskiverto)
by elohssa
Structured binding to tuple
[17 replies] Last: magic_get looks pretty neat! It also offers recursive member iteration... (by elohssa)
by random9
Memory Game
[1 reply] : @random9 Why don't you show us the code you have and the way you're t... (by whitenite1)
by EMA833060
get paid to solve this.
[1 reply] : Putting aside not doing your homework for you, you've left out the act... (by Repeater)
by ziggypiggy
Help with classes.
[1 reply] : First of all, there is no need for the typedef in line 24. In C++ you... (by doug4)
by TBone1011
While loop/ rand()
[5 replies] Last: Why not just post the code you have so far? It is easier for us to co... (by doug4)
by x1toCre8
Read binary file passed in from command line
[1 reply] : There's a fairly good explanation here (also see the next page). They... (by kbw)
by MirelPasa
Deserialize binary tree
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by MirelPasa)
by KB93
Negative integers in a List
[1 reply] : std::count_if() . (by mbozzi)
by KB93
Produce a List of Integers Without Loops or Recursion
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <vector> #include <algor... (by JLBorges)
by ReaperSoul
open cv error
[4 replies] Last: if (x < mp.cols) { //...<Vec3b>(Point((mp.cols / 2)+x,... (by ne555)
by a10e29
I suck at typedef naming
[1 reply] : It sounds like you already understand that type names should be meanin... (by helios)
by recuva
Problem with struct data type
[5 replies] Last: Hey, I found the problem. There was wrong character in folder's name :... (by recuva)