by alex067
Invalid Null Pointer Error help!
[6 replies] Last: What do you mean? my code works perfectly fine *aside from the read f... (by cire)
by gaurav97
Trying to dynamically allocate array of structure.
[2 replies] Last: Yeah what Tarik said You are inputting as the index every time so y... (by alex067)
Returning std::move() for a local object
[9 replies] Last: Beautiful answer Cubbi!!! Thanks ! And thanks to all for your valid ... (by JUAN DENT)
by visharthigee
Trying to fix this merge sort code
[3 replies] Last: $ gdb a.out > run (input) Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentati... (by ne555)
by Bdanielz
Discrete Find all functions from Set A - > B
[4 replies] Last: Extreme brute force: #include <iostream> #include <set> #include <uti... (by JLBorges)
by TinyTertle
Array problem: I have never been so lost.
[6 replies] Last: Because any time counted is true, you end up in the else part (line 10... (by dhayden)
by Kubani
Odd errors when creating a Vector
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much dear Thomas. (by Kubani)
by sr123
count and position
[4 replies] Last: Hi sr123. This program will need use of strings. I will try to solve t... (by GrShultz)
by WolfPack64
Error "C4700: uninitialized local variable"
[5 replies] Last: This means that you've selected the wrong kind of project. You're usin... (by Moschops)
by alex067
Writing object into binary file
[5 replies] Last: No a std::string is not just a character array (see Chervil's first pa... (by Peter87)
by Brittney87
Program keeps crashing
[3 replies] Last: There's no need to repeatedly calculate average inside the loop: for ... (by Chervil)
XOR cipher |
[1 reply] : Stop asking us to do the coding for you. At least show us an attempt y... (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
by qwaserdf
Error referencing to a .dll
[3 replies] Last: You're welcome, glad to help! :) (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
by noaboa
Lua scripting tutorial
[1 reply] : C++ scripting Lua What does this mean? The reference is all you need... (by helios)
by AmmmG 01
Perfecting Knight Movement in Chess
[10 replies] Last: Oh, looky, an ongoing thread in the proper forum to debate stylistic d... (by booradley60)
by gedamial
Algorithm to Split a String into an Array by a character
[4 replies] Last: You're right. I set 0 now. Since it's a dynamic array, there'll be no ... (by gedamial)
by faheem81090
program for perfect number
[no replies]
Is this a correct move constructor?
[1 reply] : What you have written is correct. Note that in this simple case there ... (by Peter87)
by cboehm7338
enter any integer and convert it to words.
[7 replies] Last: this is my new code so far i can get it to print -21 say but i cant pr... (by cboehm7338)
by gedamial
Append c-style string to my String class
[7 replies] Last: Not helpful in anyway, but I like your class name.. (by Pratik K)