General C++ Programming - February 2016 (Page 18)

by J031
Recurrent Neural Network
Can anyone give me a simple example of sequence prediction with Recurrent neural network with code.I googled this for almost 3 weeks,but the results were too co...
[no replies]
Merging two .csv files based on data of one column
I'm new to C++ so please bear me. I have two .xlsx files one contains characteristics of each person e.g. person_id, family_id, age, job, etc. and the other ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks a lot kbw:) (by Amir Nohekhan)
Why is vector subscript out of range?
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <ctime> struct thing{ int X, Y; }; thing player, goal...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, There are a bunch of things I would fix: You need to use functio... (by TheIdeasMan)
need help to check if a word is a palindrome
hi am new to c++... how do I check if a word is a palindrome although I browsed de code online but I kept getting (expected ' before "break" here is de code #...
[no replies]
C++ need help
Hello everyone, I am new in programmer and i real need your help for the following question. Thank you for your time.*************** Write a program that calc...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. Can you check the following codes please? Be blessed. #inc... (by closed account 2zU7fSEw)
x86 ASM - Parameter Problems
The answer is correct but I'm just wondering why I have to use [ebp+8] and [ebp+12]. Edit: [ebp+0] stores the caller's base pointer [ebp+4] stores the return...
[no replies]
I need help with the "void NumList::load_from_file(istream& ins)". Data isn't being inputted in the private array.
I am having problems with the "void NumList::load_from_file(istream& ins)" function. My program compiles, and prints to an output file but does not look at all ...
[6 replies] Last: you need to learn to test. Now you are doing 4 operations - reading fr... (by ne555)
Identifiy serial port
Trying to find similar code: List<string> ComPortNames(String VID, String PID) { String pattern = String.Format("...
[no replies]
Help getting data from .csv to vector
Having trouble getting data from my .csv file to vectors. When I open the .csv file in notepad it looks like this: 80.06,16.16,3.62 78.08,24.26,2.96 82.94...
[1 reply] : Having trouble getting data from my .csv file to vectors. You didn'... (by Chervil)
by Erisa
I have made a program about phone book.
It keeps saying " expected unqualified-id before '{' token" but I can't find the mistake . Help me please! Here is the code. #include <iostream> #include ...
[3 replies] Last: I found the mistake and now it compiles and runs. Anyway thank you for... (by Erisa)
How to force a shallow memberwise copy in an assignment operator?
Hi, Perhaps you can help me finding a way to make a shallow memberwise copy of any element of a class in one go. My question is the following. Given a class ...
[4 replies] Last: rule of zero. ... (by ne555)
string conversion
I have a file with hex numbers like "048C9A..." I want to convert the file so it should look like "0x04,0x8C,0X9A..." thanks
[1 reply] : 1. Read two characters (H and K). 2. Write 0xHK 3. Write comma (if nec... (by keskiverto)
big int
how to use __int128 in gcc.
[3 replies] Last: There is some library support: std::numeric_limits are defined. (by Cubbi)
Calling method header file
In my class we are converting a program from java we did last semester to c++ this semester. The way he is having us do it is to have all methods in the header ...
[6 replies] Last: Just going to fix up a couple of things: Name.hpp #pragma once // ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Standard input problem
So my program was working properly but then i tried to expand the console display to fullscreen and after that im getting this error. -E or -x required when ...
[1 reply] : I suspect showing the code would help a lot. (by SamuelAdams)
Vector Inventory problem
i have a vector based inventory implemented pretty well; however i keep running into a pretty large problem. when i click an item depending on where it is in th...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you cire. Now that you pointed that out it makes complete since ... (by NoviceNate333)
game C++
May someone help me with the levels. I don't know how to make and turn different levels #include<iostream> #include<windows.h> using namespace std; int ok =...
[2 replies] Last: what are you trying to accomplish isnt trivial, thats a lot of general... (by g3n0m3)
Replace the connection from MS Access to SQL Server
Hi - I have an old C++ (MFC, Win32) application running behind ASP.NET to do some calculation running. I converted ASP.NET part to WebAPI and now all the data i...
[no replies]
Newbie would like some C/C++ advice.
Hello, After 25years in the steel industry i have now lost my job due to closure and my local job centre have offered to pay for me any C & C++ courses. I hav...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you everybody for all the replys your steering me in the right d... (by cane creek)
Transferring std::thread ownership into a function.
Hello! I was reading an article about std::thread: and the author wrote "If ownership sho...
[3 replies] Last: I messed around with the code and now I see that r-value reference doe... (by TheHardew)
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