by josex
subroutine & pointers help!
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I will look at this and learn it. My coding did e... (by josex)
by technologist
type error in struct?
[4 replies] Last: Forward Declarations (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
by gedamial
Application crashes in Debug mode, but doesn't in Release mode
[2 replies] Last: I'm using VC++ compiler, not GCC. And yes, it warns me but in Debug m... (by gedamial)
by DragonOsman
std::array out of range error in simplified Blackjack game code
[18 replies] Last: I'll try calling the printCard() and printDeck() functions in main(). ... (by DragonOsman)
by kfroiseth
Vector is loading values (int) that it should not
[1 reply] : validateValues does more than just validate a value (why is it plura... (by cire)
by UrsaWarlord
I need to make this program shorter
[1 reply] : I suggest some functions. Try to reduce the code duplication. Also I... (by jlb)
by NewbieCPPguy
What do you think of my SDL2 program so far?
[3 replies] Last: Why make the SDL_Event object a a local variable in game loop instead... (by Peter87)
Please Help ! |
[9 replies] Last: One of the goals of a database is to not read all the records into m... (by dhayden)
by gedamial
Copy constructor gets called instead of inizialier_list<> constructor
[5 replies] Last: because i'm explicitly converting the floating-point number no, it c... (by Cubbi)
by gedamial
My static library project is somehow related with my 'test' project
[10 replies] Last: Thanks to everyone ;) (by gedamial)
by gaurav97
[2 replies] Last: Yes you are right. Thanks. (by gaurav97)
by mike9407
bubble sort error
[5 replies] Last: THIS IS A SIMPLE VERSION OF YOURS. HOPE IT HELPS... #include<iostream... (by Kinyo356)
by kalki
Finding out no of 1's in a given no ??
[1 reply] : In three steps: 1. Your number mod 2 to get the final bit's value. 2. ... (by TwilightSpectre)
by football52
Unresolved issue
[9 replies] Last: Ok. make elements of type float then :+) And make Queue::add ac... (by TheIdeasMan)
by nameishi
Error Vectors out of range
[1 reply] : Hi, You are using n (= 10) in the for loop, but numbers only has ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by AgentNoise
Double Digit sort issues
[2 replies] Last: Right, that makes sense, thanks (by AgentNoise)
Vector Inventory problem fixed |
[12 replies] Last: So after some tinkering i have found that it is better to use pointers... (by NoviceNate333)
by DragonOsman
Access violation exception thrown - please help
[5 replies] Last: Look at your sort function: void selectionSortNames(Student students ... (by jlb)
c++ and joystick |
[3 replies] Last: @Thomas1965, thanks for the reply. I know a few libraries does the sa... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
by technologist
memory leak in code snippet?
[4 replies] Last: Thx for clarifying. (by technologist)