General C++ Programming - February 2015 (Page 5)

Dynamic Array, Deep Copy -- Where to Allocate?
Hi, I am not sure if should allocate data within the constructor of my object or when the copy constructor is invoked -- to use a deep copy of my data. For ex...
[no replies]
Adding new form to an Ultimate++ project
I am new to U++ and support for this IDE & GUI designer is quite thin. The developers seem not to be active in the forum. My question is, I'm trying to follow ...
[no replies]
LNK2005 error with global variables
Hello World, I am using VS2010 to develop an app which includes several windows forms that I am trying to set up global variables for, and I am getting a few...
[1 reply] : LNK2005 is a multiply defined symbol. It appears you including "for... (by AbstractionAnon)
file processing & for loop guestions
after reading scores from file I need to find the lowest score, add all scores together, calculate final score, inside the for loop. I am lost and could use som...
[3 replies] Last: Here is help for you #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using na... (by maxwellgomo)
Convert "string" functions into "char ...[]" functions
Hey I used a XOR-encryption method to en- and decrypt strings. Link to this article: It works perfectly! ...
[2 replies] Last: Hey For all those who are interested in the code: //Includes #inclu... (by ANproCUBE)
Card Eligibility
Hi I would need help on the stated below coding. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std;...
[5 replies] Last: thanks mutexe. I managed to get it working. Thanks a lot. (by evgeric)
Q1 recursive function that receives an integer x and prints the alternating alphabetic characters Write a main function to test the function; ENTER NUMBER...
[17 replies] Last: Hi Here is another version for the even or odd program. #include <i... (by maxwellgomo)
Why I can't get the value? Please help!
Hi, I have been trying to calculate the bond price given a certain YTM using class method. Since the YTM and bond price are linked with each other(there is anot...
[1 reply] : You are missing a semicolon on line 50 project.setYTM(0.05) ; Al... (by Militie)
by zolo
tracking functions called
Hi, Is there any way to track what functions from what class are called at runtime? What I mean is a list of functions or classes which have been called at r...
[1 reply] : A profiler may provide that information. (by ne555)
I need some help completing a program please!
Ok the first part is my incomplete program that I am writing and the second half is the instructions. We are using g++ compiler with vim editor on ssh secure s...
[4 replies] Last: In this: else (Log_Type == Softwood_Logs); { cout << "1 SY Pine \... (by shoyoninja)
Looking for partners in game development
Hi there! I'm currently developping a very simple text based MMO-RTS and I'm looking for someone who would be interested in participating in its development, to...
[6 replies] Last: @Prabhat Routray Hi there I sent you a private message did you get it... (by AeonFlux1212)
VGA's Miscellaneous Ouput Register O/E Page effect?
According to the FreeVGA manual (and IBM manual too): O/E Page -- Odd/Even Page Select "Selects the upper/lower 64K page of memory when the system is in an e...
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by johms
I can't understand.. can you please help me?
Sir's: I have completed the program But I don't understand fully how the reverse of strings works This is the program: for (i=0;i<x*0.5;i++) { ch=a ; ...
[1 reply] : i<x*0.5 This part just tells the for-loop to run for a certain am... (by TarikNeaj)
Can't seem to clear my dynamic array TIME SENSITIVE
EDIT: added the requirements/outlines of my code in another comment. If anymore information is required feel free to ask. This is currently the code I'm work...
[1 reply] : Here are the required elements of my array: Proper indenting. Please u... (by TaylorSwiftVEVO)
Using Functions to count Vowels/Consonants QUICK LOOK PLEASE
In this program, I am suppose to input a string, then have a menu that I can input A, B, C, D, E. A is suppose to be a function that counts the vowels within th...
[5 replies] Last: Bloody Hell , I just noticed that this is an almost duplicate topic. ... (by TheIdeasMan)
PLEASE help! C++ assignment due tonight!Computer Tick Tack Toe
The problem I am having is the computer does not switch turns after it inputs a move, infact the computer endlessly inputs the move. //This program is a ...
[1 reply] : You are just reading the move from the first player. Let's say I enter... (by billyb29)
lower half of parallelogram???
this is what i have so far: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int space; char c; cout<<"This program ...
[1 reply] : what exactly is the problem? the code seems to be working fine... (by billyb29)
Mixed expressions, loops and Formatted output
Hello, I need some general guidance with the following problem: 1) ask the user to input a mathematical expression in the following format: NUMBER Op...
[2 replies] Last: If that is all you doing (number operator number operator number) it w... (by billyb29)
Code won't compile
Can someone fix this so it could compile? Thanks #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int ...
[9 replies] Last: How many arguments do you have in the call of highestScore on that lin... (by keskiverto)
Range check is not occuring?
In my program I have a range check setup in the class I call from main, but when I run it and put in a value > or < than the min/max it just calculates anyway. ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, since you want to validate the parameters. (by LB)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 34567... 26
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