by Ulutay
Question: Data structure
[3 replies] Last: I also wanted to know, what does an iterator in a map or a vector hol... (by Disch)
by TheDMinor
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow I knew that, totally forgot! Thank you! (by TheDMinor)
by ep7network
Program shouldn't count comments and blank lines
[4 replies] Last: Try this: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> us... (by CPlahPlahLearner)
by karthik8913
function overloading
[2 replies] Last: cool!.... (by karthik8913)
by ZPryor
Converting a string input to char
[1 reply] : #include <string> #include <iostream> std::string getgender(char g... (by Militie)
by tsmone
Variable stuck in a loop
[2 replies] Last: You could use .h files or if you REALLY want to a global variable. (by tristan1333)
by SuperStinger
Complex if statement does not include 'NOT' Operator
[2 replies] Last: I did to, I guess I needed someone else to point that out. I checked i... (by SuperStinger)
by deckonsoul
Not averaging correctly?
[4 replies] Last: THankx for both of you guys help! much appreciated! (by deckonsoul)
Compile program from c++ |
[3 replies] Last: I just checked, and it does the same thing compiling assembly from gcc... (by fabtasticwill)
Embedding an EXE into my C++ compiled EXE |
[no replies]
by Pokekid
Help calculating High, Low, Average for grades
[5 replies] Last: The use of vector is not necessary, but "borrowing" ideas from it is u... (by keskiverto)
by MTorp
Strategy Pattern paradox
[4 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges. I already use interfaces, but since my real code i... (by MTorp)
by awhetton90
Linked LIsts
[1 reply] : It seems to be going through an infinite loop when it runs the size()... (by dhayden)
by raprap 99
need help
[2 replies] Last: What Zyl said, and you used void main(). It should be int main(). I te... (by tristan1333)
by superfury
MIDI bank select effect on channel 10 and default bank?
[no replies]
by TheDMinor
Can you guys help me understand this, please?
[3 replies] Last: I have fixed the problem thank you! (by TheDMinor)
by pbri4141
Day of Week Program
[3 replies] Last: why not program yourself? that way you can input old dates like 1886, ... (by anup30)
by cosmos
why should we define a specialization std::swap?
[4 replies] Last: thank you very much! (by cosmos)
by rcflores
rfind function with files help
[no replies]
by tristan1333
SDL 2| Error 3221225477
[3 replies] Last: Alright, I added in the code tags. @Peter87, I see what you mean, I re... (by tristan1333)