by cppnoob25
Array question
[4 replies] Last: Thanks shyoninja I think I understand now. (by cppnoob25)
by zedidiah
Anyone want to help me make a game?
[1 reply] : Start simple. Make a side-scroller with SFML, Magnum, or SDL just to l... (by LB)
counting |
[1 reply] : Please edit your post and make sure your code is [co de]between code ... (by LB)
by alex067
Linked List, implementation at Nth node
[1 reply] : 1) How can it be a compiler error if it's happening at run-time? 2) ... (by MikeyBoy)
by Raluca
Why doesn't this work?
[1 reply] : Please edit your post and make sure your code is [co de]between code ... (by LB)
by hakeris1010
Why this doesn't work?
[1 reply] : line 56: `data' is uninitialized line 33: `data' was passed by copy, t... (by ne555)
by karthik8913
developing application without exceptions
[3 replies] Last: I really comes down to the scope of the application. At a certain poin... (by Computergeek01)
by Dragruy
SDL Memory leak when using TTF_RenderText_Blended
[7 replies] Last: It looks like you never free the TTF_Font. You have a class called Fon... (by Peter87)
by igaobrz
Help - Grid and recursive function
[1 reply] : I would start by making and 3 dimensional array 8x8x2. Obviosly first... (by Townsheriff)
by prasad123
find all unique triplet in given array with sum zero
[7 replies] Last: Thanx JLBorges.. I ll go with it. (by prasad123)
by Nanyo
files and passwords
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string.h> using ... (by Nanyo)
by honeyxp
Help me solve this problem
[2 replies] Last: they couldn't help :( i'm downloading the 2008 version to see if it wo... (by honeyxp)
by LA101
!Urgent! C++ bubble sort
[1 reply] : Move the lines 11 ... 14 after line 16 (by coder777)
by daruss
Basic Loop Help (Beginner) - Somewhat Urgent
[1 reply] : Hi.. I have made the program for you. In case of any query, please fe... (by HabibAurangabad)
by starskii
Making a game with a GUI
[1 reply] : What graphics library are you using? (If you're not using one, try out... (by LB)
by havok16
Backslash implementation
[no replies]
by JudyFaye
Reversing a String
[6 replies] Last: I hope this'll help you understand better: See this as the order every... (by BasV)
by Micard
Implementing a proper reading from file
[3 replies] Last: Up. Still not solved. The question is - how do I read the passlist.txt... (by Micard)
by Calvin 19
Searching for Email Format and Domain
[4 replies] Last: Yes, well I have a list of 4000 websites already. I just need the emai... (by Calvin 19)
by michelleamb
need help finishing and understanding this program
[1 reply] : Please note, that this is not a homework site. We won't do your homew... (by keskiverto)