by luiscovar
Changing State Names to Abbreviations
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cctype> #include <st... (by cire)
by Falkner92
Can you code this for me? (short problem)
[1 reply] : Sounds and looks a lot like binary search: (by Smac89)
by Foxar
_wrename in WinApi app.
[3 replies] Last: Anybody here willing to help ? EDIT: I compared errno against the err... (by Foxar)
by BinaryBeyb
What's the code? What's the code?
[1 reply] : About this thread please take a look here: (by condor)
by tamcw
LNK2019 - unresolved external symbol, help!
[10 replies] Last: > I answered what I believe is the underlying issue that the OP is ha... (by JLBorges)
by ASQ19
Explain what's going in this code
[2 replies] Last: ASQ19's code with code tags: double *T; int *listprop; double **list... (by Cronnoc)
by nadako
How to get around C2665 error
[1 reply] : Can you post the actual error message? Most of us don't have the erro... (by Disch)
by glennpl
C++ bitwise operators
[5 replies] Last: So are you saying that the bits 0 - 11 are greater than the 12th bit?... (by Disch)
by hooshdar3
help needed-bitwise shift
[9 replies] Last: You should not assume you can do a better job optimizing your code tha... (by Duthomhas)
by zerohero911
What's wrong with my output?
[1 reply] : Your problem was explained to you in the other thread you posted about... (by MikeyBoy)
by mattig89ch
trying to pass an array to and from a void function
[6 replies] Last: It's fairly simple First: Fixing processArray function prototype you ... (by eyenrique)
by smcguffee
X Macros, Is There a Compiler Flag or Something?
[6 replies] Last: OMG, I found it: I didn't have a space after LIST_OF_KEYS in it's defi... (by smcguffee)
by damian519
Vector is different for every class instance
[1 reply] : This is why you should avoid making classes that contain arrays of the... (by Computergeek01)
by Anileda
Count lines problem (File stream)
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. It works now! (by Anileda)
by Binarydude87
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to create a diagonally dominant matrix. My program is only... (by Binarydude87)
by Xilonian
Logic question
[1 reply] : You should only need four bool functions for this: Horizontal_Win, Ver... (by Computergeek01)
by Chubby
Shifting the array
[1 reply] : You're still using array offsets in shifted. Also, you're not setting... (by kbw)
Read From File & Insert into Linked List |
[4 replies] Last: Great thank you very much! Appreciate the help. (by ImperfectCoder)
by johnmerlino
sleep function vs wait function
[3 replies] Last: Another useful difference to note between a genuine wait function such... (by Computergeek01)
by iQChange
Polymorphic Pointer
[2 replies] Last: Construction inserts the object into the parent's tree, but destructio... (by kbw)