General C++ Programming - February 2014 (Page 15)

Anyone here work with OpenCV? CV=Computer Vision.
[no replies]
Please.How to declare data fields?...accessors and mutators which will keep track of the total year-to-date purchases?
In my program I am modifying my customer class ... the question goes as follows. suppose that the customer class is going to be expanded to keep track of tot...
[1 reply] : *** it also says to write a program that tests the features of the cus... (by RichardBrains)
by mwm695
LNK2019 and LNK 1120 Error
I have an assignment for a class where the program assigns class names and grades to an array of classes, and in the "readGrade" function I get two link errors....
[2 replies] Last: I feel so dumb now lol, thanks!! (by mwm695)
by stdeez
Binary Search Tree
how do i keep up with a binary search tree? using this code: template <typename Comparable> class BinarySearchTree{ private: ...
[no replies]
Array Display Issue
I am having an issue with displaying a certain array. I take in input from the user for six separate arrays, and then write them to a another array to be used f...
[5 replies] Last: As I have mentioned before, a character array must have enough space f... (by Daleth)
integer with character?
I am looking at the accepted answer provided here: It uses this o...
[5 replies] Last: Wait I think I know why i was confused. I was confusing 1 with 255. 1 ... (by johnmerlino)
by stdeez
Binary Search Tree Implementation
It's been a year since I've coded so I apologize for being a noob. Anyways I'm implementing a Binary Search Tree class and I understand the concepts but my cod...
[7 replies] Last: the only way i can make it work logically in my head is that the first... (by stdeez)
by tommyo
Enter multiple strings into char array
I am having issues getting this working. This is a simple program that is designed to ask a user if he would like to enter a string, if yes, the user is prompte...
[2 replies] Last: Use a vector of strings. A string is a easier to use character array b... (by jmadsen)
pointer used in argument list
I have two concerns I passed pointer as argument by value in the code below in function initNode, addNode and several others the argument im thinking were pass...
[no replies]
Class Implementation: i dont know how to go upon writing a program that tests the features of my customer class...please
i just started learning classes in programming. I am completely clueless on how to go upon writing a program that tests the features of my customer class. If i...
[7 replies] Last: You are welcome! (by eyenrique)
Selection Lists
Ok, I have a couple of questions. 1) Since Visual C++ does not have forms, is there a way to create a list. Meaning, when a user is prompted for the name...
[1 reply] : Well a vector is a container that is designed to grow dynamically i.e ... (by closed account z0My6Up4)
Classes code help
Ok, I am new to using classes, and am running into an issue already. I have created the class, and am in the process of adding data to the classes. I have add...
[2 replies] Last: Solution ended up being to add the #include <string> header. Afte... (by karichie)
Review of Jumping into c++ Alex Allain?
I came across an advert for this book. Looking at the contents it seems to go from very basic to more advanced topics at a slow pace. I own C++ primer which is ...
[no replies]
Some algorithms for compressing images
RLE(Run Length Encoding) using namespace std; class Bitwriter{ private: unsigned char _buff; vector<unsigned char>& _out; unsigned _length; p...
[1 reply] : 1. You haven't asked a question 2. You duplicate posted: http://www.cp... (by Stewbond)
by roarkr
How to find path to a specific program
Hi, In my C++ program, lets call it menu.exe, I want the user to be able to run a specific program when selecting a specific menu, let's call this program ci...
[3 replies] Last: Not a standard function. What you're trying to do is a file-search of ... (by Stewbond)
Profassional Advanced c++?
my cousin told me it tooks 2 years to get a profassional c++ programmer so i read this tutorial i want to know what books or.. too read for profasssional c++???...
[4 replies] Last: woah ! 842 pages? i gonna be death before i finish this ! this is why ... (by kam hagh)
Awesome website
Love to be part of this amazing site. Thank you
[1 reply] : Yes :) This site is amazing :) (by JDragon)
Classes code help 2
Ok, so I asked before about help with this code, but I only added a little information. So now, I am going to try this a little differently. I am going to add...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. The fix is exactly what you all said. All I had to ... (by karichie)
by Gyiove
LoadLibrary Problems. GetProcAddress return 0 always
Hello. Ive been searching tutorials about how to read dll files and i came up with this: // DLL Main.h: #ifndef _MAIN_H_ #define _MAIN_H_ #includ...
[2 replies] Last: tried both still same thing : / Edit: Now its working! code: DLL m... (by Gyiove)
Backtrack recursion
Hello, I have this code that needs to be recursive, but can't seem to get it to work: #ifndef BACKTRACK_HPP_INCLUDED #define BACKTRACK_HPP_INCLUDED #i...
[2 replies] Last: *looks at code for a second*...that might be the reason why its giving... (by crimsonzero2)
February 2014 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 33
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