General C++ Programming - February 2014 (Page 10)

Bank Simulation problem... error that I cannot find.
I'm doing the classic "bank simulation program" where we must simulate a Queue of customers in a bank, with x amount of tellers and allocate these customers to ...
[no replies]
What are bitmasks and what are they good for? I looked online a bit, and it looks like they're commonly used for "flag values", but I don't see why you couldn't...
[1 reply] : I give an overflow overview and fairly in-depth explanation of how t... (by Disch)
Drwaing Problem
Hi, I am working in vc++ mfc. I draw the line using CDC *dc; the line is drawn successfully. But if I minimize or move the dialog box. The line is automatical...
[1 reply] : I'm no expert on MFC, but presumably there's some kind of redraw/repai... (by MikeyBoy)
typedef a function pointer
the c++ primer books says the syntax is like this: typedef bool (*cmpFcn) (const string &, const string &); so that cmpFcn is a name of type that is a p...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, JLBorges, that is very clear explanation! (by northfly)
by mora15
Using a Void Function for Data Input.
i need help modifying this program to Create a function that has the following prototype: void getInputChar(string, char &);. The function should display the...
[1 reply] : why would it be a problem? #include <string> // don't forget to includ... (by coder777)
STL LIST::Random access
List<author*>catalog['Z'+1]; void includebook() { book*newbook=new book(); author*newauthor=new author(); newbook->name=getstring("Enter name of ...
[1 reply] : 'Z' resolves to a number: This List<au... (by coder777)
Can't change unique_ptr data with new information!
Hey yall I was hoping to get help with this program I have written. This is to create DVD objects and prompt the user for DVD information. This information is...
[4 replies] Last: Oh ok I got ya, appreciate the illustration too. Thanks again you've ... (by kamikaze pgmr88)
string iterator
I am trying to iterate through a file path to extract the file name. since the . separating the name from the extension is a unique character, i thought i woul...
[3 replies] Last: There is already a function that does this sort of things. The link be... (by bufige)
loop wont work , college algebra help ASAP
when i put the end of file statement it keeps repeating the same input over and over as an infinite loop , why wont it read the rest of my data data file : ...
[1 reply] : you have an error. Tell more about problem (by ADNY78)
by EdFab
Question regarding char in Visual C++ 2013
There's something going on in Visual C++ 2013 (also in Visual C++ 2012, I believe) regarding the char type that I don't understand and is striking me as positiv...
[4 replies] Last: The thing is, is that that statement I pasted was on page 16 of the bo... (by EdFab)
How much milliseconds to loop through a for loop?
Given a for loop: int i; for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) ; How many nanoseconds, or microseconds or milliseconds does it take for each iteration? And ...
[3 replies] Last: If you don't have to do a busy wait: #include <thread> #include <chr... (by JLBorges)
Parsing a file
Hey all, I have this file: Fred,Karl,Technician,2010--Karl,Cathy,VP,2009--Cathy,NULL,CEO,2007 That is suppose to be structured, via a program im currently w...
[3 replies] Last: Here's the file that is supposed to be parsed along with the correct f... (by Angeljruiz)
something blocking my paths
after trying many ways to get paths to work for a few GUI libraries on a few compilers i have continually found that paths don't work on either of my two comput...
[1 reply] : Can you show the command you are using to compile the libraries? (by Smac89)
read data from file ; need help ASAP
i have this program but it will only read the first two values of my data file and the second value it reads as the first variable C , how do i fix this // ...
[no replies]
by bbb718
Help with intro college assignment
Hello All, I am confused on a couple of things in this assignment I will copy and paste it and ask my question after the instructions Write a complete C++ pr...
[8 replies] Last: Can't you just do an if statement? if( GamesRemaining >= Won ) ... (by giblit)
How would you make a paint application?
I am pretty far from this, especially since I don't know windows (enough of it at least) or anything... but I am just curious on how you would do something like...
[no replies]
how can i make my program reset without spamming?
what the title says, when i use while(true) i press my hotkey to add a certain amount of points, it spams it really fast and adds a ton more than i want cou...
[2 replies] Last: it worked thank you so much :) (by closed account 9i3hURfi)
Designing classes
Write your question here. I am having trouble with the following problem... Design a class box that defines a box on a floor. A box has a number and an (x,y) ...
[no replies]
need help, how to add to a value
what im trying to do is, in my game lets say i have 1000 points, im trying to have it so i can add 750 points everytime i press a key, im having a few issues do...
[8 replies] Last: thanks for the help guys. i got one on one help from another guy, ever... (by closed account 9i3hURfi)
need help with maths, scroll bar issue
So for a re-usable class with a scroll bar in it I have two integers, I have height, that's the vertical length of the scroll bar, and position, that's the posi...
[4 replies] Last: yep :) like a dream, I made all the bits and decided to deal with the ... (by devonrevenge)
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