by DrZoo
Pointers Help
[4 replies] Last: What every one else said, plus this: And one should never use doubles... (by TheIdeasMan)
by The Ano
c++ problem
[2 replies] Last: You can also do it without the string or stringstream libraries. #inc... (by MrHutch)
Unusal use of using keyword |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges, Gave me the necessary information I needed to discov... (by devLinuxApp32)
by Stumped
reading till end of file problems
[1 reply] : I don't really understand your code but if your file has pattern like... (by rmxhaha)
by HerpDeDerp
Five Dice Roll: Vectors
[3 replies] Last: I promise I'm not that stupid, but I guess I am... Luckily enough par... (by HerpDeDerp)
by xismn
Strange Linking error
[4 replies] Last: Solved. Turns out I was an idiot. A #define sneaked it's way into one ... (by xismn)
by cob
void value not ignored as it ought to be
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I knew it was something simple like that. srand ... (by cob)
by ovaltine99
Help with pulling integer sizes within a function
[4 replies] Last: Would it be possible to provide an example on how I could go about doi... (by ovaltine99)
by Adikish
printing permutations of digits of a number
[3 replies] Last: // permutation2.cpp : main project file. #include "stdafx.h" #incl... (by Adikish)
reading in a file and storing it in a string. |
[16 replies] Last: Same as in C++: perform the input, then test if it failed: int c; // ... (by Cubbi)
by Adikish
A nice method to display permutations of digits/characters
[no replies]
by kumukumu
error in search...simple dictionary codes..
[1 reply] : ifstream write("dictionary.txt", ios::in); ofstream read("dictionary.... (by shacktar)
by A15wardn
using a # from a string
[3 replies] Last: can you list a few examples illustrating various components of the inp... (by SIK)
by scorpi032
C++: Can I print different colors simultaneously?
[10 replies] Last: correct me if im wrong, but isn't that all win32 code? so it can't be ... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by koga
why do we use these ->
[5 replies] Last: a->b; (*a).b; They are same. The first one makes perfect sense in ter... (by CroCo)
by ET21
Setting up an Invalid Response
[10 replies] Last: [quote=ET21]Just a simple operation takes a lot of coding. This isn't ... (by LB)
by lazyman
alter the user input
[7 replies] Last: Oh I could try do that.......might take me some time though....I'll tr... (by greenleaf800073)
Error overloading operator + class template vector
[7 replies] Last: According to this thread, the new T should work but it can still thro... (by kempofighter)
by ET21
Area of a Triangle
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for the late response, but I was able to get it bout 5 minutes a... (by ET21)
by Sarmadas
Pointers to structure
[2 replies] Last: It can also be done without using pointer arithmetic: employee user ... (by toum)