General C++ Programming - February 2013 (Page 26)

by hoity
Multidimensional Vector
I want to clear a Multidimensional vector but "clear()" function isn't working.Can anybody help me?
[16 replies] Last: got it.Thanks (by hoity)
FILE STREAM CODES...must see...
guyss need help or codes for save into a text file the score and the correct guess...thankss..this code is working..maybe it is good in file streaming...
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
Outputing multidimentional array using for loops
In the code that I am working on I am generating random numbers and assigning them a 2d array. But when I output the array in a separate nest of for loops the v...
[3 replies] Last: Your for loops overstep the bounds of the array. Use the < operator i... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with Error in Function?
I have a function written to calculate an integral using rectangles. I get this error: 'cannot convert double to double (*) (double) in assignment'. But whenev...
[3 replies] Last: doubles are not functions? What's not to understand? If you have a c... (by cire)
Debug Assertion Failed?
Can someone please help me get through this error??? Program gets item using the item.h file and stores or deletes item using container.h #ifndef CONTAIN...
[1 reply] : In " Container::~Container( ) " you're deallocating memory that was ne... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Sort data from txt file into array as its bening read?
Sorry if this is too newb, but no one in beginner responded to me so ill try here. I am suppose to make a program that reads in data from a text file (intege...
[3 replies] Last: Bump.. (by DrolArumil)
by Dozo
8 queens problem
i need to write a 8 queens c++ code. and this is what i have. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; bool ok ( int board ){ for...
[no replies]
Wierd Answers
I have been getting weird answers when decimal numbers are input into a, b, or c variables in my quadratic equation program. I was wondering if anyone would be ...
[2 replies] Last: I did, thanks! It took me a little while to see it, but I did eventual... (by The Mighty Boosh)
by ZoX
Visual Studio 2010 not creating .exe
So I've started to try some DirectX 11 with the help of a Begginer's book, although at my first debug I'm having errors :S I've even copied the code word for...
[1 reply] : I've actually just found another thread Identical to my own which has ... (by ZoX)
Debugging question
Hello, I am writing a program of scientific simulation on Visual Studio. In my simulation there is a big vector of pointers who point to a big number of obje...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks a lot cire! :) (by dekeenfrance)
gethostbyname excericise
I am in a Sockets programming (or Network Programming) class. I'm using C++ as my language of choice, but need to know how to best approach the following sce...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the submission. The article helps. However, my instructor a... (by tmcfadden)
okay so in .csv file. Say I have "flexes arm" how would I make it ignore the -es, so "flex arm."
[no replies]
by eddye6
linda cosmetics
Linda is starting a new cosmetic and clothing business and would like to make a net profit of approximately 10% after paying all the expenses, which include mer...
[1 reply] : Homework. Write it yourself - then ask for help. Problem: does anyon... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help Please. Basic function not working
Hi guys, Having a little trouble understanding why this will not work. Basically i have 3 cout and 3 cin's and after i enter the first one it skips the l...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(... (by JLBorges)
by Cnaoum
Calculation programs
Hello! i'm trying to write a program that has 4 calculations. One of the calculations has to have 2 choices. This totals to 5 options. The program should prom...
[1 reply] : We have no idea either. That problem description is so vague not even ... (by LB)
I use g++ compiler and need some tips on how to get started with making a c++ GUI. The project I have will need a gui that will allow the user to conveniently i...
[2 replies] Last: I personally would recommend QT5 for this, its great for making GUI's ... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
boost library
As me new to boost library can anybody provide a sample code for extacting subgraph::children from boost::Graph. Any help OR some sample code will be great help...
[1 reply] : children() is a member function, you just call it, BGL has an example ... (by Cubbi)
help with Time Class
Hey guys, So this is the problem I'm tackling: Create 2 Time Objects. 1 Time object should be instantiated using the default constructor. 1 Time ...
[7 replies] Last: i'm not sure if this is a problem but you do have iostream twice... ... (by MikeyBoy)
Use array to store Class objects.
So starting with the Item.h file : #ifndef ITEMH #define ITEMH using namespace std; class Item { public: Item(); Item( int item_id, string desc, doub...
[4 replies] Last: Got a question though, when declaring the constructor how can I set a... (by MikeyBoy)
I followed a youtube tutorial, he made a program printing out text to the screen with the library SDL_ttf.h everything works except the line that says, SDL_Fre...
[5 replies] Last: naraku is right. TTF_RenderText_Solid creates the surface. SDL_FreeSur... (by Peter87)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 43
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