by tedgress
[10 replies] Last: If you want a C++ type safe version of union , the ability at any giv... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by L404
[6 replies] Last: Cross posted (by againtry)
Is there a better way of doing global regex substitution? |
[2 replies] Last: regex_replace does a "global" replace within the string by default. If... (by dutch)
by tedgress
Unknown Type Name 'Entity' CAIBehavior.hpp
[3 replies] Last: Advisor objects have no copy constructor in your class definition. B... (by Repeater)
by Deadweight77
Linked list programming
[3 replies] Last: For small- to mid-sized containers, the classic linked list will proba... (by Ganado)
by tedgress
Expected class name
[1 reply] : Not enough information to know. To start, what is the exact, full err... (by Ganado)
by obeeey
SDL 2.0 how to generate texture on top of everything?
[4 replies] Last: I've got renderWonPosition() declared at the top of the project, then ... (by obeeey)
by DAU
Relatinship int and char
[7 replies] Last: Something to be aware of is that char , signed char , and unsigned ... (by Duthomhas)
by KCl2000
Trapezoid method converges faster than Simpson method
[14 replies] Last: Read 'Advanced Engineering Mathematics' 10th edition by Kreyszig - Wil... (by againtry)
by adam77
What are the best tech bootcamps?
[no replies]
by Dee5
String (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: I know it's not the best way of learning but I'm trying my level bes... (by H00G0)
by ruzip
Reverse Iterator errors with Android Native C++
[8 replies] Last: By checking again the guide here, I just changed stlport_static whic... (by ruzip)
by Dee5
Counting characters
[5 replies] Last: I think I need to update my compiler but thanks Your compiler, wha... (by againtry)
segfault at method invocation (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: The number of behaviors right across the board doesn't really matter. ... (by againtry)
How i can build a statistical machine translation engine? |
[no replies]
by Dee5
If statement
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help (by Dee5)
by marhuum
Ensuring inline function is done as it's
[5 replies] Last: This may mean you write the code as a macro. you don't have to write ... (by jonnin)
by H00G0
Anyone interested in giving feedback on program/app I created? (1,2,3)
[49 replies] Last: so much for doing it off the cuff. Good point (by jonnin)
by jguo5258
Can someone explain to me how this bizarre piece of code works?
[5 replies] Last: right! Ive wondered off and on what a cpu might be like if we took h... (by jonnin)
by TheToaster
Questions regarding hash map implementation
[2 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]I would like to see the operator= implementation. Here i... (by TheToaster)